Monday, November 30, 2009

My World - Bright Future Opening

Visit My World to see more of our world or to participate yourself.

Last week we were invited to a reception and dinner
to celebrate the opening of
Your Bright Future:
12 Contemporary Artists from Korea.

We started with the exhibition viewing and cocktails.

Fallen Star by Do Ho Suh
(publicity photo from

From one of the videos
(also a publicity photo at

Christine Starkman (curator) and one of the artists posing.

Chicken and Coconut Milk Soup with Galangal and Shiitake Mushrooms
Grilled Sea Bass with Tomato Confit and Sorel Butter Sauce
Thai Basil and Pea Shoots
Saffron Rice Patties
Warm Chocolate Cake with Coconut Sorbet and Pepper Tuille
Not to mention the different wine with each course.

We had a lovely time and thank Christine for the invitation.
Sometimes it pays to do research for art exhibitions!


  1. What an interesting evening! The menu sounds delicious and I'm sure the art was really good. LOVE the last photo....and your new header.

  2. Hi Snap,
    You go to the best exhibits! The food sounds delicious, too. I see you wore your fancy attire. I'm taking my Granddaughter to the Nutcracker this Saturday - she wants me to "dress up". (Oh,Dear...)
    The new header is wonderful!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful evening! How fun! Thanks for taking us along! Love your photos! Thanks for stopping by and for your comment, always appreciated!

    Have a great week!


  4. I love the imagination there. Wonderful stuff.

  5. Very interesting time you must have had...the menu sounds extraordinary! Nice post of Your World!

  6. Very interesting evening! Glad you shared the shots with us.

  7. It sounds like a fantastic evening and a great cultural culinary adventure.

  8. great idea for a post it visual and informative it was fun to read/see!

  9. Hi Snap, Looks like you enjoyed yourselves at the exhibit.. The dinner sounds awesome also... Glad you got an invitation. SO much talent!!!!


  10. Hi Snap, looks like some enchanted evening! The menu is superb!!

    Glad you could share this with us!

  11. Very interesting event. Shots are wonderful.

  12. Oh, I love your photo's. You must have really enjoyed yourself.

  13. That sounds really a fun gathering and a marvelous dinner to go with. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Yes, it does pay to do the research! And another new banner! Is that Mr. and Mrs. Dragon in period costume? I wanted to thank you for posting that widget about how many days to Christmas way back when you did. I got me on my stick and I'm well into my shopping. I don't like being in the stores too close to Christmas so I'm feeling pretty good about it all.

  15. It does sound like a fun evening and cool artwork.

  16. Sounds like you had e terrific day. Interesting art pictures.

  17. all I can say is "wow" and "yum". Good food and art parties are the best! (not that I know)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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