Monday, September 7, 2009

My World

Visit My World to see more of our world or to participate yourself!

Today, I'm taking you back to Texas Art Supply
and the last of the murals on the outside walls.

Click here to view all the participants of My World Tuesday.

Just a short note to thank all of you who have left messages of condolence
by commenting or by email regarding the death of our kitlet, Rocky.
All of us appreciate your kindness. The house is too quiet.
We all miss him -- two leggeds and four leggeds.
I'll have more about what took Rocky from us at a later time.


  1. Fantastic indeed! WOW! Thanks for sharing them! I'm so sorry about Rocky! I know what a hole is left in ones life when a pet dies!

    Have a good week!


  2. Great shots of the murals. I'm sorry about your kitty. Take care.

  3. I am sorry that you lost your Kitty! It reminds me of the pets we lost: each time one dies is sad. Thanks for showing this art! it's very colourful. Thanks also for your kind comment!

  4. Beautiful paintings from the Texas Art Supply, Snap... The colors are marvelous. SO much talent there.

    Hope things are a little better at your home. When my Duchess died, it took me months to get over it. We DO become so attached to our babies.


  5. Thanks for sharing these lovely bits of your world, Snap. Thinking of you and your gang missing their furry friend and sending love and soothing prayers.

  6. Love the cow in particular. Moona Lisa, I'm guessing. Thanks for coming out to play today. Baby steps. Grieving is a very personal process.

  7. Hi Snap, I love these murals, they are so beautiful. I am glad you added the last one (funny). I am sorry about Rocky. I have one kitty and aren't they just darlings. Thanks for the visit.
    Ebie's World.

  8. Snap: That is certainly unusual art that you captured.

  9. I love the wit and whimsy. Thanks for taking me back.

  10. The murals are great. I especially like the cow's Moona Lisa.
    I'm sorry to hear about Rocky. Pets are so innocent, loving and sweet. I know it's a heartache to lose one.

  11. These are great murals. I especialy like the Moo Lisa.

  12. Amazing art pieces!
    I read the post below, I am really sorry about the tragedy.

  13. these are beautiful. someone should make a copy of these and sell them as posters.

    Sorry about your loss.

  14. What great murals! So much better than the blank walls! I'm sorry you've lost your cat.

  15. Just how many murals does this place have? Love the one with red & white tiles.
    Sorry about Rocky - it's so sad.

  16. Must have plenty of walls to house all these murals. Certainly a very colouful Art Supplier.

  17. I just can't link Texas in my mind with 'Twisty Lane'! With the one I think 'vast' and with the other'roses round the door'! Which is it?

  18. Sorry to hear about your gorgeous kitty...
    But thanks for sharing those murals with us - my favourite has to be the 'mona lisa'

  19. Hi Snap, Glad to see you're back with us after your sad loss. The photos of the murals are so colorful - what a sight that building must be! My favorite one is take on the Mona Lisa...

  20. Hi Snap,

    So sorry to hear about Rocky. He was a beautiful boy.

    I love all these mural photos!

    Thank you so much for your comments on my blog and for sharing my one year anniversary!

    Michelle ;)

  21. I enjoyed this art show. Very creative. I'm so sorry to hear about Rocky. Do have a nice day.

  22. These are all wonderful. Hope you are holding up. <3

  23. I am so sorry to hear about your cat. We have an old timer who lives here named Mittens. She will be nineteen in October. Our animals are so precious. I love your world tour, I just looked at the participants, OMG!

    Texas, what a nice place to tour.


  24. Hi Snap,
    A big HUG from Melbourne, for you on your loss of your precious family member...

    Thanks for sharing these wonderful shots of the Art place..would love to shop with you there!, what fabulous art on their outside walls...what a gift to evryone who sees them...xxxx

  25. Hugs to you hon!!! SO hard to loose them!! Thinking of you hon!!
    Love the murals - esp the cow!!
    Hugs, Sarah

  26. These are wonderful photos. I don't think I would be able to walk through the door, I would be so busy looking at the murals. Sending another hug for the loss of your dear little Rocky.

  27. These are all fantastic, but I'm just loving the last one!!

    And yes,I'm sure the house is too quiet but I'm glad that you are loving one another (two leggeds and four leggeds). ♥

  28. Fantastic murals!! I know I'd love that store.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.