Saturday, August 1, 2009

Camera Critters 69

Camera Critters

Finally, one of the beautiful butterflies visiting Musashi's Garden
decided to be still long enough to get its portrait taken!

I took lots of photos of this Black Swallowtail.
Most of them were blurry.
This little lady was in a big hurry to eat and didn't slow down much.

She really liked the zinnias.

Drink, Drink, Drink

Here she is in all her glory hanging on to our tangerine tree.
By the time I opened the patio door to get closer -
she was gone.

(Click to enlarge the photos.)

Smile - it's catching!

Joy to You!


  1. Butterflies seem to be popular at 'camera-critters':-)

  2. Oh beautiful..I love butterflies! The one bug that I just can't seem to get one to sit still long enough to snap!! These are wondeful!!

  3. I'm always mesmerized by butterflies. Such beauty.

  4. Butterflies don't stay in one place for long, but when it happens and they're captured in a photo, they make beautiful camera critters. Great shots!

  5. I have a "thing" about butterflies and this one is magnificent..the colour is extraordinary!!

  6. Great shots of the butterflies.

  7. Hello dear friend!
    These pictures are stunning, well done!
    Happy Camera Critters
    purrs and always love
    mommy Léia and Luna

  8. Lovely captures ;--)
    Butterflies and hummingbirds seem to elude me, but seeing you wonderful photos I won't give up!
    Hugs and blessings,

  9. I always love butterfly photos. Yours are wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing them.

  10. I love butterfly photos. I can never get one to stay still long enough to pose for me though!

  11. Hi snap! What a delicate photos! So fragile and beautiful! Thanks! I just added a video by David Attenborough about the mating of snails on my post. Jedediah told me about it.

  12. Snap: I always think dark colored butterflies are so special.

  13. I've been sitting in my garden this afternoon just lazily watching all the butterflies. One of these stopped by briefly, too.
    Nice captures!

  14. So beautiful shots from butterflies ^__^
    Thanks for sharing :))

  15. I love butterfly shots, I haven't seen a live butterfly in years.

  16. Great capture. Butterflies are harder to photograph than people think ... they are easily spooked away.

  17. Lovely! Can't beat a photo with a beautiful butterfly AND Zinnias!

  18. She's a pretty one! Thanks for your comment on my critters.

  19. The way you photographed the butterflies shows them at their best. Lovely!

  20. That first shot especially is gorgeous! Very nice shots.

  21. what a gorgeous butterfly sipping on the flowers.

  22. Those are lovely butterflies aren't they, and so much fun to watch.

  23. Hi Snap!

    Your photos are so beautiful. I love your uplifting words on your blog, the world needs more blogs like yours!

    Michelle :)

  24. Beautiful. I don't see as many butterflies here in our new home, and the one that I have seen won't wait for me to take a picture!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  25. Lovely. Your limes look about the same size as my tomatoes. How nice to have citrus growing in your own backyard! Mr. Dragon is talented, I like his easy with the brush, he makes it look easy, anyway!


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