Friday, July 31, 2009

Unfinished Business

Mr. Dragon finally photographed his art work from this summer. These are my favorites from that photo session and the ones that were too big for me to scan.

This is one that I will frame.

This one his instructor loved.
He wanted him to do more with the "blobs".
(Another one of those technical terms.)

Mr. Dragon likes this one.

Look what I got yesterday! Two awards at one time from the lovely and talented Shelly, the Blue Ridge Lady. Thank you, Shelly. I'll try to continue with the *variety feast*!

You must go and visit Shelly. She has been collaging for a little over a year -- bright, beautiful, fun collages. She also does some beaded jewelry and she is a cat lover. It's always hard to hand the awards off to other blogs. There are just too many blogs that make me smile. So, if you don't already have these awards, would like them, or need to make yourself smile -- please grab an award with my blessing and a big YeeeeeHaaawww!

Last, but not least, the Julie and Julia articles at the New York Times continue today with a marvelous post by Michael Pollan whose latest book is In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto.

Have a wonderful day.

Joy To You!

(I hear rain! I'm going to go sit on the balcony before it stops!)


  1. Beautiful art...I like all of them!!

  2. I like the one you want to frame, but I would be proud to have painted any of them. Well done Mr Dragon!

  3. He just gets better and better!!! I love them all..but the first is my favorite!! Beautiful work. Like his "blogs too". Looks like he is learning to let fly - whoo hoo!!
    Wonderful hon, Sarah

  4. Both are beautiful! The one with the tree is especially nice!

    You deserve both awards!

  5. Wonderful artwork! And congats on your awards, you have a great blog!

  6. Wow---your hubby's artwork is fabulous. I especially like the first one, but that 3rd one is great also. FABULOUS!!!!

    Hope you got some rain...

    Congrats on the award. You deserve it. I may snatch the Smile one--and put it on my blog with your name!!!! Thanks!!!


  7. Hey Snap!
    Mr Dragon did a wonderful job with his artwork this summer!
    I like the technical term his instructor used! lol

  8. Lovely artwork. Thanks so much for sharing your hubby's work and your nifty awards. Congratulation ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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