Monday, July 13, 2009

A Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today...July 13, 2009

Outside my window... the sun is shining brightly. Not a cloud in the sky.

I am thinking...that I’d better get a move on. Off to the gym.

I am thankful for...another day on Mother Earth.

From the kitchen...bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Still using home grown tomatoes. It has amazed both of us how long our tomatoes have lasted on our balcony in all this heat. They came to an end today when I picked the last one.

I am standard gym clothes - red shorts, gray Planet Hollywood T-shirt, tennis shoes

I am reading... Miss Julia Takes Over by Ann B. Ross. This is the second book in the Miss Julia series. It is a southern cozy with just a little bit of mystery. Quoting from Publishers Weekly “Imagine Aunt Bee from the Andy Griffith Show with a lot more backbone and confidence and drop her smack in the middle of a humorous, rollicking plot akin to that of the movie Smokey and the Bandit and you have the tone and pace of Ross’s entertaining second novel.” What’s funny -- Ross’s characters remind of people I know (or have heard about)! Great summer reading and I have 8 more in the series before I’m caught up.

I am hoping...for a break in the heat! We did have some rain last week -- one day when it rained in the morning, stayed cloudy, and broke the heat advisory (feels like temperatures are between 105-110 degrees F. or more). Wish the high pressure would move on down the road!

I am creating...Mrs. Piggy is finished (crochet), but I have to get some more yarn to finish up the little piglets. Here’s the finished Mrs. Piggy. Piglet photos to follow when they are done.

I wanted to make sure you saw her tail. She makes me laugh out loud!

I am praying... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Jean and Carol

Around the house... it’s too quiet! I wonder what the kitties are doing? Mr. Dragon has feed the birds -- I can hear them outside talking to each other (Mr. Dragon and the birds).

One of my favorite things...rain!

A few plans for the rest of the week...staying cool is big on the list. I need to get to Sam’s Club. Make a dermatology appointment. Mr. Dragon has two more color pencil workshops. I need more pink yarn to finish the piglets -- Michaels here I come. Otherwise, stay at home and stay cool.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...I’ve always had a fondness for Mary Engelbreit and this card was in my mail this week from my Saurian Sister in California.

To read more Daybook posts or learn how to participate, visit The Simple Woman’s Daybook. While Peggy is on summer vacation, more Daybook posts can be found at Grandmother Wren’s


  1. The gym...
    Is that the place where they sell chocolate? Oh wait, it's not, I would know about it.

  2. Happy Monday, Snap, you power house ! Love the piggie momma, especially her tail ! Can't wait to see the babes ! ;)

  3. I love the Miss Julia series!!! So much Southern fun!!! xo

  4. Your tomatoes are at the end, our tomatoes are just beginning. I have a number of little green ones - I only planted two cherry ones this year. I would trade you some of our rain for some of your heat. We are having roads wash out and landslides with the inundations. Not nice being on either side of the extreme, alas.

  5. Hey Snap, Sorry that your heatwave is still with you. I am glad that you got some' rain.

    Love Mrs. Piggy... SO cute!!!!

    Hope you made it to the gym.

  6. Miss Piggy is adorable and the tail is the icing on the cake! What a great message on that I would love to send. I sure hope your heat wave breaks soon!

  7. Oh we had about 35 days of rain last month and into this month! I am thankful for no rain now! I love your little piggie!

  8. Miss Piggy is so cute!! Love her tail.

    And Mary Engelbreit's work is always so bright and happy.

    I hope you get some relief from the heat. We're starting to get some of it out here.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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