Monday, July 13, 2009

My World

It's Time for My World.

Go visit the My World site to see more of our world or, even better, to participate yourself!

I was trying to decide what pictures I would share with you about My World. I was watching the Home Run Derby, part of the Baseball All-Star Game and decided that I would show you my two favorite baseball parks in Houston.

This is the scoreboard at Minute Maid Stadium, home of the Houston Astros. The Minute Maid corporate offices are located in Houston and they paid for the naming rights to the stadium. The stadium is built on the grounds of the old Union Station and is attached to part of the old Station building. That's why you see a lot of railroad trains around the park.

The roof opens and closes. Good thing in this horrible heat. No one would be able to play if it was open. You can see the shadows the window and roof cast on the field. Makes fielding interesting sometimes.

Batting practice at Minute Maid.

Here's my other favorite park, Reckling Park home of the Rice University Owls. These pictures were taken during Fall Ball last year. Scoreboard first.

The Owls have been quite successful -- scholar athletes. They take their studies seriously along with their baseball.

Batting practice at Reckling Park. In the background you can see the Texas Medical Center.

We do enjoy baseball!


  1. Great shots! Brought back memories of Texas where I grew up. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great shots of the baseball stadiums.

  3. Wow! So up close! This is wonderful. You know, last December, our firm, a loyal supporter of the Dodgers, held our Christmas Party at the Club House. And our faces were on the Big Screen at the ball park in Dodger Stadium. I love all your photos and enjoyed your post.
    Thanks for your comments and visit on my post here

  4. I'd vote for Minute Maid Stadium both because I love trains and I have been to Houston in the Summer.
    Glad you enjoyed the walk in Lundy Canyon.

  5. Nice post for "My World" Snap... I've been to Minute Maid Park--the first year it opened. Can't remember what it was called then, but was something different.... Wish the Astros would play a little better this year!!!!


  6. Those are two fine stadiums. Interesting to have one where the roof opens and closes.

  7. I've been seeing lots of baseball posts today. Thanks to you and others I'm inspired to go to a game for the first time in many years. It would be pretty neat to see a game in an indoor type stadium.

  8. A sporting event I have always wanted to photograph but not here. Great overviews. Stadiums are so eerie when mostly empty.

  9. Love those shadows the roof makes - makes some beautiful photos, too. Never heard of baseball under a roof, though.

  10. "They take their studies seriously along with their baseball" - as an education professional, I love that balance. Thanks for sharing. Cheers from Bangkok!

  11. Great shots! I'm not really a fan of baseball, but I've thoroughly enjoyed this post :) Thank you so much for sharing.

  12. Great photos - empty stadiums have an eerie, echoing feel to them.

    I'll have to share this with my husband. He's a big baseball fan and has visited lots of stadiums, but not the ones in Houston.

  13. I love the Astros and what I still call their new ballpark. It is deluxe. Great pictures.

  14. The relief from the heat must be a wonderful thing. These are nice-looking stadia.

  15. we don't have those kind of stadium in our city. quite impressive!

  16. You always have such good photos! I'm not a huge baseball fan but I used to go to St. Louis to see the Cardinals play eons ago!

  17. Great photos, especially of the inside of the big stadium. I can't believe baseball season is already half-over.

  18. Very cool shots of the stadiums !!!

    Those retractable roofs are such a good idea..

  19. You constantly amaze me with what is in your backyard. Nice to see that emphasis is put on studying as well as sports in your neck of the woods. Sorry to hear you are still sweating it out down there. Extreme heat and droughts are no fun.

  20. Wonderful series of shots shared. :)

  21. That looks like a nice world! Great photographs!

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