Thursday, July 9, 2009

Security Blanket

Julie over at Moments of Perfect Clarity (an outlet for the madness with occasional flashes of insight) and some of her blogging friends are telling a secret about themselves every day for 30 days. Her first secret was - she still has her security blanket. She's told other secrets about hitchhiking, being deported, going on a friends honeymoon - all delightfully written, but it was the security blanket that I kept thinking about.

I don't remember having had a security blanket as a child. Did you? I do remember a couple of stuffed toys that I carried with me everywhere - or tried to. Each one had a music box in them (love of music came early with their help). One was a little brown dog with large floppy ears. I remember that to wind the music box I had to twist his tail (do not try this on a real dog). He played Rock a Bye Baby. The other was a brown teddy bear. He had white paws and a white muzzle and he played Rock a Bye Baby, too. I don't know what happened to the little dog, but I do remember that the poor teddy was falling apart. He had been repaired so many times. One of his legs was hanging by threads. He disappeared one day. So sad.

One day before Mr. Dragon and I left New Mexico for Texas, I went shopping (junking) with a dear friend. I found this:

Oh my goodness. I'm sure the whole world heard my cries of delight. White paws and muzzle, big head and a music box in his belly that plays Rock a Bye Baby. No major damage. Just a little dirty. He looked so lonely and unloved. I took care of that. He was my only purchase of the day. Guess I was looking for a security blanket to take with me on our big move. New Mexico had been home for 23 years. We were leaving a life we knew for one we had no idea about.

Soon he wasn't the only teddy that came to live with us.

I found this little guy soon after coming to Texas. He's smaller, newer and plays (thank goodness) the Teddy Bear Picnic. These two bears started my bear collection. I really don't have that many. I've given some of my bears away. These two bears remind me so much of that little girl who loved animals and who loved her security bear. They'll always be my favorites. I'll share more of my bears some other day.

Did you have a security blanket?

My security blanket today?
Mr. Dragon and myself.

Joy to You!


  1. I don't remember having a security blanket or toy as a little child. But my daughter had a baby doll that she's been loving for YEARS. The poor thing is tattered and worn, but loved more than her other tpys.

  2. Hi Snap---- I never had a security blanket --but I had a favorite doll (named Lulu).. She stayed with me for a lot of years.

    My security now??????? My Sweetheart, George!!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  3. I had...and still have..a favorite stuffed lion. My brother gave it to me when I was really young. I would talk to this lion, share my secrets, wipe my tears with his fur...he was my confidant who I knew could keep my deepest secrets. I assume my mother knew how much he meant to me as she did pack him away in a box. He is still there...a total wreck as far as fur and stuffing goes, and I occasionally pull him out just to say hi. Funny how these security blankets stay with us!

  4. Snap - a lovely post. Made me try to remember my own childhood securities.

  5. I never really had a security blanket. My mom tells me I even sold my pacifier to my dad for a quarter when I was 2. I do remember needing the room to be very dark when I was going to bed - the door closed, the blinds drawn - the darkness seemed safe to me, in my bed-cocoon. Maybe my security blanket was the darkness ? Kind of still is. I definitely need it dark when I am going to sleep now...that and David's back which I love to snuggle into as I drift off...
    Love the bears and love the Teddy Bear Picnic song !
    Happy Friday!
    PS - Thanks so much for the sweet, wonderful comments you have been leaving for me on my posts lately. They really touch me and make my heart smile. You are such a loving soul, lovely Snap. :)

  6. Hi Snap! I still have my teddy bear from when I was 3! He may be in my cedar chest, but he's around, LOL!

    Oh, come on over to my blog...I have a little surprise for you! :)

    heh heh heh....

  7. You're invited to play a new meme on Tuesdays called The Queen's Meme with Mimi Queen of Memes.
    It'll be fun! Please join us!

  8. i'm glad my security blanket story inspired you to remember your bears. :-) this whole 30 secrets thing is definitely a walk down memory lane. :-)


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