Saturday, July 11, 2009

Camera Critters 66

Camera Critters

This week for Camera Critters I'm going to take you to our back yard
and another visit to Musashi's Garden.
We've had several bird families visit to feed and enjoy the bird bath.
Here's one of those families - a father and his babe.

Where's the food dad?

Quick! Go into the song and dance routine.
She's watching!

Can we eat NOW?

Where did Dad go?

(Click on the photos to make them larger.)

Have a wonderful weekend.

Joy to You!


  1. Heehee love these!! I have a bunch of young squirrels around my house this year!! In ten years here this is the first I have seen them in town!! So thrilled!! Namaste, Sarah

  2. Very amusing story in pictures, great!

  3. Oh, he he he - this was a great little picture story, loved it! Thanks for dropping by our blog too - tail wags, JD and Max Schnauzer!

  4. You're adorable! What a chirpy dialog!The photos are gorgeous. We don't have cardinals around here so it's quite a treat to see them!

  5. Cute narration! Makes me want to get a bird feeder and see what birds visit.

  6. Gorgeous chirpy friends you have there Snap ! I have so many cardinals around my house too. I love them, except for when they decide to serenade me by the open window really early in the am ! They are worth the lost sleep though !
    Have a great weekend !

  7. Awesome narration! Great birds there! Wish we saw more like them here.

  8. We have several cardinals and they are all camera shy... every time I see one, and get the camera, they are gone. I listen for their song, and quietly go outside, and they are always obstructed by a branch. I WILL get a photo of them one of these days... I'm on a mission~

    Great captures.

    Camera Critters

  9. My favorite birds. Great snapshots!

  10. Greetings from Rantings of a Woman, hope you are having a great weekend. I love the birds and the story was great too. Thanks for visiting

  11. Great shots. I love Cardinals. That is neat how you got a father & baby together.

  12. I hardly ever enlarge photos, but these were such pretty birds. I loved dad's colour. Great critters...

  13. Amazing photographs! The dad looks so harrassed in the third :)

  14. Beautiful birds - how lovely to have them visit you!

  15. And these photos gave me joy and made me SMILE big. Wonderful--thanks for sharing.

  16. Great pics and cute comments. :-) I wish I got something in my yard other than the usual little sparrows.

  17. Great commentary!

    Wonderful colouring in dad's feathers.

  18. i love dad's red feathers and her little one. they are so adorable. happy weekend.


  19. fabulous color of his red feather and his daughter's feather is not that red because she is still young so it's lighter red. ",)

  20. I'll bet that baby's a Sassy Little Man. It's nice to be in your own patch and really pay attention to all the dramas going on there... who needs a zoo?


  21. I'm sooo jealous you have those red birds! And heehee - I see teenage dove in your banner! :D

  22. Love these photos! We've got some juvenile cardinals, too. I just love watching them interact with their parents.

  23. You caught adorable family moments!

  24. Colorful feathered critters and delightful photo story ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  25. Oh my gosh... what a beautiful shade of red/orange!

  26. I guess I have never seen a fledgling and male parent together! Wonderful contrast-cute story too:)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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