Monday, June 15, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

Simple Woman’s Daybook

For Today... June 15, 2009
Can you believe? Half of the month of June has flown by!

Outside my window... the sun is shinning brightly. I watched the city water truck come by and water the new sod.

I am thinking... how much we both enjoy Musashi’s Garden. The butterflies have been beautiful this year and the birds! They have been so much fun at the bird bath.

I am thankful for...another day on Mother Earth.

From the kitchen... bacon and lettuce sandwiches today. Have to use up our tomatoes.

I am wearing... navy blue shorts (I’m not going anywhere), white World Wildlife t-shirt, no shoes (as usual).

I am reading... I just finished a historical mystery Hell Screen by I.J. Parker. Having trouble picking the next read and it’s not because there isn’t an unread book in the house. Wonder what I’m in the mood for? Since I can’t figure it out -- I’ll look for some brain candy.

I am hoping...there is a break in our hot weather. We need some rain. I’m not going to like this months water bill.

I am creating... counted cross-stitch continues and I start a new online class today.

I am praying... for Anne Marie and Cydney Marie, Debbie

Around the house...the kitties are sunbathing. Mr. Dragon is in the shower.

One of my favorite things...sea shells

A few plans for the rest of the week... It’s amazing. There is nothing on the calendar except for Mr. Dragon’s art workshops. WOW!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Isn't this fun? When I saw it, I knew it should live with me. I ask you. How could a Texas girl pass up a cowgirl fairy wrangling ducks? And, it was so close to my birthday, I thought it would make a nice birthday present to myself. So, I ordered it from my pal, Sarah, at Cottage Garden Studio. If you haven't visited with Sarah, you should. Drop by and say "Hi".

Sarah, being the sweet thing that she is, threw this in as a surprise.
Thank you, Sarah.
I love you and your work!
You bring a smile to my face!

Happy Monday everyone.
Joy to You!


  1. Happy Birthday! I do believe I'm going to copy you and make some BLTs today as well! YUM!

  2. Hey There, What a neat blog you have. When going to 'positive' blogs---I just have to smile. Thanks so much!!!!

    Thanks for coming to my blog. Hope you will come back. I 'try' to write a joyful blog also---but sometimes, it's hard!!!! ha

    Where in Texas are you? I used to live in Clear Lake (NASA area)--south of Houston.


  3. i've got to go back and read some of your other simple woman's daybook posts. it's a really nice way of stopping and assessing right now. :-) love it!

  4. BLTs, what a great flavor combination. Yes, indeed, half of June is up. Sounds like a delightful immediate future - not too much that's stressful and some creative fun!

  5. Happy Belated Birthday!

    I’ve added a Mr. Linky at Grandmother Wren’s to make it easier for the Summer Daybook ladies to find and visit one another while Peggy is on vacation.

    Please stop by on Mondays to add your link – I’d love to see your Daybook there!

  6. I'm not sure exactly when it was but Happy Birthday!! You were right not to pass on that picture. That is so cute!

  7. Awww thank you so much hon!!Wow, I so touched!! Happy birthday again, glad ya liked them!! Namaste, Sarah


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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