Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My World Tuesday 1

My World Tuesday is a new meme for me.
For more information you can go here.

All of these pictures were taken by Mr. Dragon.
Welcome to the Glassell School.
The art school attached to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

The sculpture garden is next to the Glassell School and across the street from the Museum of Fine Arts.

Enjoy the Garden!

This sculpture moves in the wind.

One of my favorites -- running man.

Thanks for visiting.

If you were looking for Blog of the Week.
I'm taking a week off. It's harder than it looks to find that one special blog!

Have a wonderful Tuesday.
Joy To You!


  1. Welcome to My World! I've never been to the Glassell School, but it looks like an interesting place to see. I'll have to look into it the next time I get to Houston.
    Thanks for visiting my site.

  2. I love all the sculptures. Thank you for sharing your part of the world. Enjoy your week.

  3. Some interesting sculpture in that garden.
    Thanks for dropping by.

  4. The first photo is incredibly pretty! Wonderful perspective.

  5. Snap: What neat photos from the garden of the sculptures. It looks like a neat place. Thanks for joing in to the group. I don't think we have anyone from the Houston area.

  6. You never cease to amaze and entertain, Snap. Lovely sculptures, the running man is even a little humorous.

  7. I have never heard of this place with it's unique sculptures. So very avant garde and interesting..one that moves with the wind sounds very intriguing.

  8. An unusual "garden." I like the reflected ball and all the interesting shapes you captured.

  9. They are interesting for sure.

  10. What a beautiful garden....love the sculptures but that first photo is my favorite.

  11. The Glassell School has some interesting and unusual sculptures. If we're ever in Houston, we'll have to stop by.
    I enjoy your blog. Thanks for stopping by at mine and leaving a comment.

  12. Very cool sculptures!! Great for your first My World Tuesday.

  13. Welcome to My World - I'm so glad you decided to join us. I haven't been to Houston and had no idea it had such a lovely sculpture garden.

    Thanks also for stopping by Wrenaissance. I hope you'll join us again.

  14. Hey There, Of all the years I lived in Texas (12)---I never went to the Museum of Fine Arts --or the Glassell School.

    I need to get back down there and check it out!!!! Thanks so much for sharing.


  15. Love these sculptures, not likely to get to visit, so thanks for sharing them.

  16. I love looking at sculptures like this. There's a sculpture park in Seattle that dh and I recently visited, and it was fantastic walking around taking pictures (rainy though it was).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoy your 'visits'. :-)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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