Friday, March 20, 2009


I'm thinking that I should name Friday posts "potpourri". I seem to collect things during the week that I want to share and Friday would be a good time to do that.

Here's a quote I received from Big Happy Buddha in my email. Several of you are Pema Chodron fans (like me) and I thought you'd like it.

"When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space."

Nice, huh?

Look! I did a journal page that didn't come out all green and blue! Pink, red, coral and a little green.

I was going through my bin of collage elements that I've been collecting and these popped into my hands. They will go on the pink journal page ... who knows where. I'll journal on favorite things (food, cooking) and memories.


I finished A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes From My Kitchen Table by Molly Wizenberg last night. Some of us grow up never knowing what we want to do with our lives. Some of us never find that certain something that makes our heart sing. Molly found her calling early and sings.

I've been following Molly, her writing, her recipes, her life with her love, Brandon for some time now. I must have read about her blog while searching out information about Seattle. After all, Seattle is where THE grandson is, so anything Seattle is important! What I found was a blog called Orangette and Molly. The first time I posted was this morning when I told her I had finished her book and loved every minute. Molly is a freelance food writer. She got there in a round about way (degrees in human biology, French and cultural anthropology) and that's part of the story in A Homemade Life. I don't want to give anything away, but you'll find the kitchen and food at the center of the action. And the recipes ... yum! Like Butternut Soup with Pear, Cider and Vanilla Bean, or Slow Roasted Tomatoes with Coriander and Slow Roasted Tomato Pesto. How about Cider Glazed Salmon or Scottish Scones with Lemon and Ginger? No? Well, let's try Tomato Soup with two Fennels, Sliced Spring Salad with Avocado and Feta or Custard-Filled Corn Bread. I found out that Molly and I both love tomato soup (soul food) and Brandon and Mr. Dragon both have a thing for maple syrup. Way to go, Molly!

And finally, the universe called this morning by email ( with this:

Excuse me, Snap, but I don't think I noticed, "do a little dance," on your "to-do list."

You do plan to dance today, don't you?

Get down,
The Universe

I mean, it is 2009 and all, Snap, but you're still a supercoolhappylovething, and that comes with certain responsibilities.

Happy Friday everyone. I'm off to do a little dance.


  1. Whoo hoo am dancin' with ya Snap!!! Have a gret weekend hon, Sarah

  2. LOL! Okay, "Do a little dance" is officially on my to do list now! :) The book sounds lovely! I'm off to check out "Orangette" now! :)

  3. I just received a Pema Chodron book/audio on Tonglen. I've been practicing! :-) I'm going to have to look up A Homemade Life. (Collecting for summer reads!) Sounds great. Yes, dance to your heart's content! I'm dancing with you!

  4. I liked very much the quote by Pema.
    Thank you.

    Very nice journal page!

    love & light


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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