Saturday, March 21, 2009

Camera Critters 50

Camera Critters

Today's subject is Grizzly bears.

To be more specific ... Bailey and Boomer at the Houston Zoo.

I thought we had taken pictures of Bailey and Boomer.

Looking through our photos I found bears like these:

This guy lives in our hallway and greets us every morning.
He's made from a cottonwood tree.

We did find a photo of the bear that lives next to the Grizzly's,
but no Grizzly.

So, I borrowed photos from the zoo because I thought
it was important to tell the story of Bailey and Boomer.

Bailey and Boomer, the Houston Zoo's grizzly bears, were rescued by the Houston Zoo and the Houston SPCA from squalid conditions at an illegal animal holding facility just two years ago. They were kept in cages that didn't allow the bears to stand up. They were matted horribly. Their claws were so long it made walking (if there was space to walk) difficult. The Zoo did not have any grizzly's, had room for them, and gladly gave them a home. They'll be cared for here for the rest of their lives.

Today is Bailey day. Since coming to the zoo, with the help of hard-working animal keepers, he has undergone extensive dental work, successfully lost weight, and regularly takes arthritis medication.

I hope you'll take the time to watch the video about Bailey.


  1. Ohh that's wonderful!! Wonderful they have a home where will care for them and let them do well.
    K- you hallway bear is way cooool - but he scares me! I can see myself jumping, seeing him in the middle of the night. I should never have read Amittyville Horror!!!!! Sarah

  2. What fun to have such a creative hallway art! Less scary than the real thing. They are magnificent creatures, aren't they?

  3. Great pics, great story!

  4. Wow, the people working on that bear really needed to trust the anesthesiologist...wouldn't want that bear waking up in the middle of surgery! I think I need someone to groom me while I'm asleep:)

  5. I'm glad Bailey and Boomer were successfully rescued, and I hope they live a nice life.

  6. Kudos to the Houston Zoo for taking them, and to the vet that keeps them healthy. Thanks for sharing

  7. Thank you for this very interesting post. How wonderful that there are such good people that take care of these poor animals. I am glad that Bailey is treated well now. Thanks for your visit too! Have a great weekend!

  8. All great photos and story. It id a shame what some animals endure.

  9. the second one looks quite elderly sandy

  10. My goodness i can't believe that there is such cruelty in this world to do such a horrible things to animals, but one has to believe it as it goes on all the time. I am so glad that the vet does this for nothing, makes one appreciate someone like him and his staff, too bad that there isn't more vets out there like that. Thanks for sharing this. I hope that Baily and Boomer live to be a ripe old age and enjoy there lives there.

  11. So ggod to see such a happy endinng for two gorgeous critters.

  12. Wonderful story. Thanks for sharing.

  13. how nice that bailey and boomer are getting good care after having endured such poor living conditions.
    i just read in the morning paper that residents in concord, nh should be wary of hungry bears looking for food, i.e. bird feeders! it's time to take down the bird feeders because bears that visit homes have a shorter life expectancy!
    "take down your feeders and save a bear"

  14. Hooray for these heroic institutions and the people who provide such services.

    It makes me SO ANGRY when I hear of any creature being mistreated. I am relieved to know these poor bears are loved and cared for properly now.



  15. What a great and wonderful story!!! I love bears!! these are some wonderful pictures! thx for sharing


  16. Wonderful post about some amazing animals and the people who take care of them. I really enjoyed this.

  17. What a great post! I'm so glad they were taken in to be cared for and treated better!

  18. I love that last photo, with his head resting on his feet.

    And a good story of rescue.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. :-)

  19. I'm so glad that people who know how to care for them rescued them!


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