Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It's All About Trader Joes!

It's been a This and That week.

First, the plumber made a visit.

Then the AC guy made a two day visit.
Hopefully, I'll be cool in the 100+ weather.

My yard/pond guy (the wonderful Cody) tried to fix my
irrigation system and has to get a part.
He has hooked things up so I can water. 
Good thing.
It's going to be a scorcher this week.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Phalaenopsis Orchid

Early this morning I headed out to Trader Joes.

Their flowers are always so pretty.
"My" TJs gets their flower shipment in on Sunday.
Too many pretty flowers to pick from.

I picked up two orchids and some zinnias.

Zinnias From Trader Joes

I love zinnias. 
They remind me of my Granny.
She always had a flower bed full of zinnias.

I planted zinnias last year and hoped they would reseed.
They didn't.
I won't make that mistake next year!


Flowers from Trader Joes

I also picked up banana bread from TJs.
When I got to the checkout I said,
"I didn't know you carried banana bread."
Checker told me it is a new item.
It's good, too.
Beats heating up the kitchen in the hot summer.

Banana Bread

I didn't set out to write a post all about Trader Joes
but sure looks like I did!

Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Keep In Touch

Little Things Thursday

Share Your Cup Thursday

Mosaic Monday


  1. Trader Joes sounds like a great store. We don't have them in Canada that I'm aware of.

  2. Hoping the rest of your week is full flowers and not more repairs and that your temperature will be cooler. Wishing you well!

  3. I love the zinnias and that wonderful frog!

  4. I love zinnias, too. They are just so colorful and old-fashioned. Tugs at your heartstrings.

  5. Hello, I like Trader Joe's. I love the cute frog and flowers. The banana bread sounds great. Enjoy your day!

  6. Love your This & That post! We're having a similar week here in Eugene waiting for the AC guy & visiting Trader Joes (my favorite store).
    Your orchid & zinnia photos are just gorgeous. Will try the banana bread for sure!!
    Have a wonderful week!!

  7. We have one in the city next to me. Makes it kind of pointless to shop there though being a grocer. I wish we had one here.

  8. Beautiful flowers. I have tried orchids here but the desert is just too dry and unforgiving. Even the AC removes any bit of humidity we might have. Yours made me smile.


  9. The flowers are beautiful and love the frog. I don't have a Trader Joe's nearby anymore. Miss shopping there. The banana bread does look tasty.

  10. Such a fun post Sharon! My daughter made the most beautiful bouquet for her wedding, all from flowers she purchased at Trader Joe's! It's a great store. I'll be on the look out for that banana bread.

  11. I love Trader Joes and your flowers are gorgeous. And flowers do evoke memories, we all have some memory of our first roses, or Grandma's flowers. Thanks for the jog---my brain is smelling Lily of the Valley on the walk by my Grandma's.

  12. I haven't been to Trader Joe's in a long time. I think I will try to get there soon. Those flowers are really pretty. Funny, but I've been craving banana bread lately.

  13. I love Trader Joe's flowers...always a treat.

  14. We don't get to Trader Joe's very often, but it sure is fun when we do! They are building one a little closer. I'm excited for that. I plant Zinnia every year from seeds. Before I pull them out for winter I snap off heads and just toss them in a bucket. I leave them in the garage over winter and then sprinkle them in May. They do well. :) Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  15. Smart thinking to not turn on the oven in this heat, not like me who is always making too many things in the oven. Love your pretty flowers.

  16. You have effectively reminded me why I wish we had a Trader Joe's in Montana!!! And I love your ceramic frog … Enjoy your weekend - hopefully not too hot.

  17. My sister is a big fan of Trader Joe's. There isn't one close to me but I have enjoyed my few visits with her at the store.

  18. ...have you ever noticed, that things only break when you use them! 😀

  19. Hi Sharon! I love buying flowers at TJ's, too. I planted zinnias this year, and they are being scorched with our high temperatures. I'll plant them in a different spot next year. I just read Jann's comment, and maybe I'll try that!
    Stay cool. When does Fall get here?!

  20. There's a Trader Joe's where I live, but I've only made it there like once or twice. It's a cool place, but for some reason I forget about it. (It's also in a part of town that's not near where I live, so I think that contributes to my forgetfulness, too.). Great pictures of your finds.

  21. We love our local Trader Joe's too. Good produce in ours, here that is not always true though. Great staff and so friendly. A go to for sure. Haven't seen the banana bread, but I like to make that one myself, not in 100+ weather though. xox

  22. I have a friend who lives in Texas who loves "her" Trader Joes too, wish we had them here in Normandy. Enjoy that delicious banana bread and petty flowers for me too.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  23. I've never been to a TJs but I've heard lots of good things about them. I wish I had some daisies this week. I'll have to look for some at the store! Hugs!

  24. Happy Mosaic Monday. Thanks for dropping by my blig today


  25. No Trader Joe's here in Canada, but I enjoy visiting when I'm in the States. Zinnias are so cheerful. I planted some from seed this year and they are growing ever so slowly, and I'm hoping for flowers in August sometime.

  26. Your flowers look lovely....beautiful colours!

  27. I've got to get over to 'our' TJs (I'll tell them you sent me, LOL)!! We have a Whole Foods within walking distance of our Eugene home, so it's hard to get motivated to drive to another specialty store. But I know that Joe's carries some wonderful stuff that WF doesn't.

    Good grief, I certainly hope that your A/C guy did a good job. That is kind of a necessity of life where you live (I wouldn't even want to do without it here in Eugene for the two mnths we have hot weather !)

  28. Oh I hope your AC gets fixed. It's oppressively humid here this week. I can't wait till it's over and we can enjoy the open windows and out of doors again. I'm not much for weather we can't get outside in.

  29. S. I expect a visit to a place with AC would be appealing. I hope all things get resolved. So good you can still water because at those temperatures plants would fade very quickly. Zinnias come is such great colors! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Sylvia D.

  30. We have a Trader Joe's but it is a little far so I don't get there often. I do love quite a few of their products--their gingersnaps are my guilty pleasure as so is their lemon curd.

    I love zinnias too--I wonder if the deer would leave them alone if I plant them here next summer? I'll have to check

  31. Ha! Ha! We've had the same kind of week ~ new AC, new spa pump, and possibly a new washing machine next. Are we having fun yet? 😊 Pretty photos and we love shopping Trader Joe's!

  32. Hi again! I finally made it to 'our' Trader Joe's today and thought of you. It really is a fun place to shop. Honestly you should get a referral fee -- I've been meaning to go there ever since we moved downtown and it is closer to home, but just hadn't made it until your post reminded me!! I thank you and TJ's should thank you!!!


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