Monday, December 11, 2017

Their Version Of Powdered Sugar

It's not winter yet,
but we got a surprise.
Once every eight years
(or after a particularly bad hurricane)
we get this:


Yes, that is snow!




It didn't last very long,
but it was pretty while it lasted.

I'd like to thank the fairies for dusting us with their version of powdered sugar!

Now it  "feels" like the holidays!

Snow collage

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday


  1. Hello, it must be fun for the children that have never seen snow. I can take just a dusting, the trees and plants look pretty dusted with snow.
    I do not like the big storms that dump 12-24 inches at a time. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead.

  2. The weather is certainly topsy turvey this year, but since it took summer until December to say it's last hurrah, I'm ok with the cold. No snow here though.

  3. How pretty the houses and gardens in your street look after the visit from the fairies, so quiet and peaceful too.
    Happy MM.

  4. We are far below normal snowfall here in Colorado, Snap, so I'd love if you sent this weather our way! We've been having a very warm autumn from the La Nina weather over the Pacific Ocean.

  5. Glad you're safe after that blizzard! *tee hee*

  6. Snow on palm trees is an interesting sight! How pretty freshly fallen snow is!

  7. That kind of snow is ok---we usually get that kind too---sometimes not. LOL
    I too well I used to collect Cardinals because I really like one and have never seen one in real life---we don't have them here.

  8. It really looks gorgeous and just enough to put you in the holiday mood! And oh how I LOVE your banner...the perfect mosaic! Holiday hugs!

  9. Nice and pretty. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  10. It's beautiful! Snow is so much fun.

  11. The best kind of snow for the South - it decorated the trees and everything else, but left the roads and sidewalks clear!

  12. oh how beautiful! one of these years I intend having a white Christmas. It is always summer heat here in Australia. Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for visiting my blog.

  13. Oh what beautiful images with the snow...I hope we get some this Winter...I love seeing it, but no longer play in it~

  14. Powdered sugar, thats funny unless you inhale it for 4-5 months of the year. But, yes it is pretty.

  15. This year I've heard we might have a white Christmas. I can't even begin to imagine it--because I live in the area of the valley where it rains instead of snow. I have never seen a White Christmas in my entire it would be a first! Lovely snowy pictures, my Friend!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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