Thursday, November 9, 2017

It's The Month To Give Thanks

November is the month we give thanks.

Today I'm going to give thanks for the new restaurant just across the street!

Once, a restaurant named FRED'S was located in the space.
FRED'S was in this location long before we moved into our house.
It was a neighborhood hang out.
They served Italian food.
Then Fred died, his family took over for awhile,
but ended up selling to folks who
 didn't pay their rent and the space went empty.

They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.




The interior is very different from the past.
Light and Bright.

So far, I've only been there for breakfast and 
the Eggs Benedict are yummy!

eggs benedict

I met a friend for breakfast and she tried the Avocado Toast.
Another vote for YUMMY!

avocado toast

Eclair Paris

Then there are the pastries!
Oh, my! 

Tarts and Eclairs




I have tried the Chocolate Croissant and the apricot tart.

Eclair Paris collage

I'm going to have to watch how many times I visit ECLAIR.
Too many times and I might not be able to fit through the door!

I've also noticed that the employees are recognizing me.
They are telling me what their favorite menu items are.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Share Your Cup Thursday

Willy Nilly Friday

Mosaic Monday



  1. This looks like a delicious place to visit and the type of place I would like.

  2. It all looks delicious, it wouldn't do for us to have a restaurant that close.

  3. How lucky you are to have this right across the street!

  4. OMG, right across the street? I would move in there.

  5. Hello, YUM, the food looks delicious. What a temptation to have this wonderful restaurant across the street. The pastries look delicious. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  6. With beautiful food like that, they will surely be a wonderful success!
    Have a great week-end!

  7. ...well thanks, I gained 5lb just looking at your pictures, give thanks EVERY day!

  8. Everything looks so delicious! I would be a regular too, who could resist?! Have a great weekend :)

  9. A pretty restaurant and that all looks so yummy! Hope, one day I can eat normally again and have such delicious pieces. Looks for me just like the paradise.
    Enjoy your weekend

  10. aah, the convenience. It's an interior I would enjoy.

  11. What a wonderful place! Glad it seems to be doing well. The food and pastries look great.

  12. If this restaurant opened within walking distance of me I would be in such big trouble. It looks seriously dangerous and so delish! It looks fabulous.

  13. What a great place to live so close to. The food looks yummy and oh those pastries...I'd have trouble not eating there myself every day.

  14. Oh My! At this moment I am grateful this excellent place is in your neighborhood . . . because, I don't think i could be trusted - giggle.

  15. OOOH so tempting. xox

  16. I want to go!!! There is a place very similar to that where my youngest daughter lives in Rye, NY, and I love going there. Such yummy food. Have a great weekend.

  17. Okay, it is close to lunch and I'm now starving :D That place looks devine! And it is just across the street? Far too close for my waistline :D

    I hope you enjoy many a lovely weekend breakfast there.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes,

  18. Oh my - what a place. I am trying to imagine living in an area with a restaurant across the street. We have woods across the street, with cougars and squirrels and lots of birds. Your photos are very enchanting and now I want a pastry - and we don't have a pastry shop anywhere near. I might have to bake some tomorrow. Hope your weekend is wonderful.

  19. Snap - it looks to be a one-of-a-kind restaurant rather than a chain, am I right? It's always delightful to find places that offer a new, unique experience - with quality! Of course, the only way to know the quality is to try ALL of the pastries - can I count on you? Have a tasty week!

  20. Oh,what a lovely place to have breakfast.....and other delights!
    Amazing selection on offer....

  21. I would love to try a croissant...or any of the breads! Bread is my weakness! Hugs!

  22. Hello Snap
    What a lovely restaurant in your neighborhood! All look delicious and the avocado toast is tempting me! That is too many calories for me lower cholesterol.
    By the way,your header is so beautiful. I like it verrry much.
    Have a good day.

  23. My mouth is watering just looking at these delicious pastries and breakfast treats,not sure I could stay away from Eclair if it was on my doorstep. Thanks for bringing such delights to MM this week.

  24. Your new header is beautiful, Snap. I'd love to visit a place like the French bistro you've described. Alas, none of the photos show up for me. Odd, isn't it? I've never had that happen. Probably just as well for the photos might make me head to the kitchen for a snack I don't need. Have a great week.

  25. Both breakfasts look delicious! I'm so glad that the space is being used and not lying empty. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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