Sunday, October 22, 2017

Pumpkin Patch

I have my own Pumpkin Patch.
They were a lot of fun to crochet.
Now, I just have to keep the kitties from playing with the smallest!






Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin Patch

Now that my Pumpkin Patch is finished,
I can start thinking about Halloween.

My favorite part about Halloween -- the cooler weather that usually arrives!

Halloween Dragon

The origin of Halloween can be traced to Samhain (pronounced sow-in, which rhymes with cow-in), which was an ancient Celtic festival that was celebrated to mark the end of harvesttime and the beginning of the new year.

 The ancient Celts believed that the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead was at its thinnest during Samhain, thereby making it a good time to communicate with the deceased and to divine the future. 

Samhain is Gaelic for “summer’s end,” a day to bid good-bye to warmth and light as day length shortens.*

Halloween Towels


Following the Roman Empire’s rule over Celt-occupied lands in the 1st century A.D., the Romans incorporated many of the Celtic traditions, including Samhain, with their own.

 Eight hundred years later, the Roman Catholic Church further modified Samhain, designating November 1 as All Saints’ Day, in honor of all Catholic saints. This day was formerly known as Allhallowmas, hallow meaning to sanctify, or make holy. 

All Saints’ Day is known in England as All Hallows’ Day. The evening before, October 31, is known as All Hallows’ Eve, the origin of the American word Halloween!

Day of the Dead

In later years, the Irish used hollowed-out, candlelit turnips carved with a demon’s face to frighten away spirits. When Irish immigrants in the 1840s found few turnips in the United States, they used the more plentiful pumpkins instead.* 

*From The Farmers Almanac

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday

Amaze Me Monday

Share Your Cup Thursday

Willy Nilly Friday


  1. Beautiful crocheted pumpkin patch with such pretty Fall colors. :)

  2. Your knitted pumpkins are so pretty,Thanks for sharing the information on Halloween.

  3. Your crocheting talents are amazing! Those pumpkins are delightful!!!!

    I also enjoyed reading what the Farmer's Almanac had to say about these festivals ahead of us.

    However ya spend it, you are all decorated and ready, that's for sure!


  4. Delightful crocheted pumpkins, Snap! They are so unique and colorful!

  5. Hello, your crocheted pumpkins are cute. I like your pumpkin patch and decorations. Happy Halloween! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  6. I just love your knitted pumpkins!! So very sweet ♥
    xo Michelle

  7. You have the best sort of pumpkin patch, very pretty and no need to carve faces into them for Halloween.
    Happy Mosaic Monday!

  8. Your crocheted pumpkins are so uniquely lovely. I like them all, how you display them, and the mosaic. Wish you a happy Halloween.


  9. wow! that's a grand Pumpkin Patch and the dragon is just adorable

    Happy Mosaic Monday

    much love...

  10. I love each and every one of those crochet pumpkins but yes, I can see how the small ones would make perfect cat toys!

  11. Your pumpkin patch looks wonderful! ANd instead of having to dispose of messy ones, you'll be able to put them away for next year (maybe after Thanksgiving -- I sure wouldn't rush). Interesting history of the Day -- and especially thinking about carving turnips.

  12. I think your knitted pumpkins are just brilliant.
    Many thanks for sharing the information about Halloween.

    All the best Jan

  13. You made some pretty pumpkins! Last Fall I crocheted ONE leaf and thought I was doing good. It was a challenge to me...I'm not very good! haha! Hugs!

  14. Your Pumpkin Patch is fabulous.....cats and wool....good luck with that!
    Wishing you a happy week,

  15. I adore your pumpkin patch and the pictures of the various Halloween decorations. I also learned something new about Halloween - the origin of using pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns! Thank you.

  16. Beautiful to see different pumpkins made by you. Beautiful blue dragon:)

  17. Cutest pumpkins ever! xox

  18. I love your pumkin patch...all different!!! Thanks for sharing the Halloween history.

  19. Dearest Friend,
    I so love your crocheted pumpkins, they truly won my heart !

    Trusting you're having the best of weeks,
    I'm sending blessings across the many miles

    XOXO Daniela

  20. Love your pumpkins! Interesting Halloween history

  21. Your pumpkin-collection is so lovely. As a kitty would play with them all...
    In latest years they begun to celebrate Halloween in Germany too, but we both (my love and I) more celebrate it as Samhain, as a spiritual holiday. I'Ve begun that a lot of years ago, only for myself. Here I wrote about (well, that was for a fashion meme)
    Enjoy your weekend

  22. ...fabulous fall decorations! Thanks for the history lesson.

  23. Your knitted Pumpkins are so cute. I love them.
    Cool looking dragon. There's a house here with a different one on it's roof top. They are fun.
    Intersting facts about Halloween.

  24. I admire anyone who can knit. LOL Your pumpkins are wonderful. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the history of Halloween. What a GREAT post.

    I sure do miss you for Postcard Friendship Friday. I am back, though recently I have been through some hard times. My husband's Heaven Day is tomorrow. It has been three years. I'm working on re-entering the blog world again. I hope you have been well. May blessings and joy be yours.

  25. I love your pumpkins and the history of Halloween! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  26. Thank you for that history lesson. I had no idea about the origins of Halloween. Your crocheted pumpkins are lovely and perfect for a cool fall day.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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