Friday, June 30, 2017

I Squealed With Delight!

I subscribe to two boxes.
The kitties receive the Kit Nip Box every month
and I receive the My Texas Market box. 

This month the My Texas Market box featured Bourbon and BBQ --
a kick off for the summer season. 

From No4. St. James came Chocolate Chip Bourbon Bombs.
I opened the package 
and memories took me directly to my Granny's kitchen during the holiday.
I think she put Bourbon in everything! 
She did put bourbon in the sweet potatoes.
No wonder they were so good and so are (were) the Bourbon Bombs!

Chocolate Chip Bourbon Bombs

There was a lot more in the box 
and I squealed with delight when I saw caramels 
from the Dallas Caramel Company -- Bacon and Texas Drunken Nut.
I've had their caramels before and they are melt in the mouth delicious.


A dear friend of mine -- also with a May birthday -- went to lunch with me at
McHugh Tea to celebrate our birthdays -- better late than never!


We both had the sampler plate and it was delicious.
Peach iced tea.


Cream cheese and date scones for dessert.

McHugh collage


The Passion Flower Vine is flowering in the garden.

Passion Flower

I thought I should get the camera out before the squirrels eat the flower!
They really do think the very middle is a tasty treat.


This is the closest I've gotten to an image of the small dragonflies 
that visit the water garden.
They are usually moving too quickly.
I was thrilled (I might have squealed with delight)
when this little guy decided to take a time out on the water lily!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Five on Friday

Willy Nilly Friday

Mosaic Monday


  1. Bourbon in the sweet potatoes?! No wonder nobody missed Sunday dinner!

  2. oh man, look at those eats! Love the passion flower and the dragonfly!

  3. I have to check out those two subscription box sites you mentioned. They sound very interesting. As one who has spent hours trying to photograph the dragonflies around my goldfish pond, I salute you for getting a usable photograph!

  4. Yummy food!
    Pretty Passionflower!
    Have a great week-end!

  5. No wonder you squealed with delight at all those wonderful things. Your birthday lunch looks very tasty and your Passion Flower is so pretty, and very tasty to the squirrels, I hope they leave you some blooms to admire:)

  6. Hello, those boxes sound neat. I would like your Texas Market box. The cookies and candy sound delicious. Your birthday meal looks yummy too. Happy Belated Birthday! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Your kitties must enjoy their box of treats and it must be nice to get different goodies in your box each month. Your joint birthday celebration meal with a friend looks delicious. The passion flower is beautiful and congratulations on capturing the dragonfly. Lovely photos.

  8. How exciting having a box delivered full of surprises! I don't know how you managed to eat such a large playful of salad, it does look delicious though. Passion flowers are gorgeous aren't they. 😊

  9. Your food looks delicious!
    And the ice tea and scones as well.

    Yes, dragonflies are hard to photograph but sometimes you´ll make it.

    I like your presentation in the sidebar. I´m retired too and after working so much I learn how to just live here and now. To just be.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. That birthday lunch looks like fun...and delicious! Love what you got in that Texas box! What a nice thing to receive!

  11. I love that cheeky little Buddha figure

    Thanks for joining in with Five on Friday, We hope you have a wonderful week :)

  12. Receiving a box of Texan treats sounds wonderful, your belated birthday meal looked amazing so do the passion flower and dragonfly captures, thanks for sharing your week with us at Mosaic Monday today.

  13. No wonder you squealed with delight for such pleasant items in the package and nice photo chance. The cookies and your birthday dishes look so delicious. Passion flower is called “tokei-so” in Japanese literally meaning “clock-grass". As you see, the center looks like a face of clock.


  14. The passion flower is stunning and you made me so hungry :) Happy MM!

  15. How neat to get a good photo of the little dragonfly! And that passion flower is amazing. What fun to get a box every month. I lived in Texas most of my lift and miss it so much. I would enjoy something like this. Happy 4th! Hugs!

  16. Some delicious-looking eats here - how fun to get the treats delivered and spend a lunch date with a friend. Squirrels will eat just about anything, I swear. They dig holes in all my planters to bury their maple seeds and I have little maple trees sprouting everywhere! My DIL gets the cat boxes every month and my other one gets a clothing box. I need to check this trend out! Great shot of the dragonfly! Hope you have a great 4th! x Karen

  17. Yummy looking treats in this photo. And that passion flower - it's gorgeous and too bad that the squirrels like it. They were likely squealing with delight, too.

  18. I need to practice a little squealing in my life! To always remember the beauty and delight in the little things ... thanks for a being a great example this week! Happy Fourth of July!

  19. Well I am squealing right along with you. Delightful images

  20. Oh my gosh you've given me a food coma and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet! Everything here looks and sounds amazing! The belated birthday meal is wonderful . And what fun to get that food box... so many great surprises ... my mom used to make rumsoaked Christmas cookies , but bourbon anything sounds better to me ...and those caramels! Oh yum. Well, off to my boring bowl of cereal. (The Holiday picnic at our daughters later will be more frestive!).... Happy 4th to you!

  21. Oh My Cream Cheese and Date Scones, those sound and look very yummy. Such delicate scones too. No calories for sure ;) Hmm, bourbon added to yams,now that does sound quite interesting, will have to try and remember that~

  22. Good things come in small packages, right? Well, I'm glad you got to enjoy your sweet and savoury treats that brought you back to cozy and comforting times with family. Your birthday tea outing looks and sounds delicious! I'm startled at the generous portions!

    Ah, your passion flower sure is pretty. Your macros will make fine memories, with the photo bomber dragon fly to boot!

    Happy 4th!


  23. what a great day for mail you and the kitties had! i did "try the world" a while back and it was fun! the sampler plate looks really good...your blog is making me hungry :) love the passion flower...they are amazing aren't they and i am happy that you were able to get your dragonfly! thanks for linking up!!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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