Monday, May 22, 2017

Did Someone Say Breakfast?

On one of the last low humidity days before summer takes hold,
I walked up to my village to have breakfast at the Black Walnut.

Such a nice walk, cool morning, listening to the birds, 
people out walking their dogs with smiles on their faces.
Good Morning!


The Pico Benedict -- delicious.
Having breakfast with my little Buddha reminds to take my time,
enjoy each bite, be thankful to everyone who made the breakfast possible.


Another cool morning took me to the zoo.

Did someone say breakfast?

Did someone say breakfast?
One of the gorillas is happily munching away on his breakfast.
Love those greens!

And, the Black Bears know how to do breakfast right!
A big juicy bone while floating in the pond.

Black Bear


Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Mosaic Monday


  1. Breakfast, the best meal of the day in my book, looks like the gorilla and bear agree!
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  2. Hello, love the zoo visit and critters. The breakfast looks delicious.
    So glad to see your post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. Yummo, everyone is having a good breakfast. xox

  4. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! And oh my what fun you had with it and how fun all these pictures are. Thanks so much for sharing the joy.

  5. Just got back from breakfast at The Egg and I and saw your post. It's not low humidity here this morning - 100% humidity with pouring rain. Much appreciated by us gardeners! Happy Monday and have a wonderful week.

  6. Oh my! That looks so good. I have a bowl of Spinach to cook for dinner tonight, maybe I should save some out for eggs! Hugs!

  7. I could sure do with a little breakfast like that. Guess I will have to make myself some.

  8. Delicious breakfast ! Loved seeing the zoo through your lens.

  9. Your breakfast looks delicious! And how cute is that wee mindfulness Buddha?

  10. You just can't beat a good breakfast tis true!
    Have a lovely week.
    Wren x

  11. Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, since, we are, breaking 'fast' after a night's slumber! I have to say that among the three breakfasts you've featured, I would order what you're having! Looks delicious and hope you enjoyed it!

    Have a lovely Tuesday, my friend!


  12. Thanks most sincerely for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~ I sincerely appreciate it !
    Your shots are so, so beautiful, thank you for sharing them with us !


    XO Daniela

  13. That's a delicious looking breakfast - yours, not the gorilla's! I like going out for breakfast, too, but don't do it very frequently. Great way to enjoy the low humidity.

  14. Your breakfast looked scrumptious, Snap. The black bear had the right idea to stay in the water to stay cool

  15. Looks like your day got off to a good start. The eggs look delicious. Thanks for stopping by the Garden Spot. Hard to believe that summer is closing in on us and that May is about spent. We have sun this morning, but may well be wet by day's end as the spring afternoon thunder storms roll in. Have a happy day.

  16. Your little Buddha offers splendid advise....and breakfast looks delicious!

  17. Oh, what a beautiful day filled with everything yummy!

  18. Breakfast with Buddha that is indeed a great way to start the day!
    Wren x


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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