Friday, February 17, 2017

This and That

My Robin friends are back.


I took their portrait through the dirty glass door.
Wonder what they were saying to each other?


Did you do anything special for Valentine's Day?
I had a lovely dinner and some Prosecco.

Valentine's Day

My knight-in-shining-armor and I would have been together 36 years this year.
I still feel like we are together.
Just living in different spots -- one on earth and one in the stars.

He liked Valentine's Day.
It's one reason why I have so many Teddy Bears! 
My favorite flowers -- iris and tulips.


I'm a big tea lover.
Nothing better than a cup of tea.
Taking the time to brew the tea.
Then taking the time to sit and enjoy the tea.
Sometimes I have tea in a fancy cup and saucer.
Other times I have tea in a mug.

Valentine's Day Mug

The mug for February is BIG LOVE by Emma Bridgewater.
Tea and Chocolate!!!


College baseball is starting!
Rice Owls held their second annual Baseball Fest.
An opportunity for the fans to come out and meet the team.
Get autographs.
Take batting practice with Andy Pettitte or Jose Cruz, Jr. pitching. 

Baseball collage

Phillip Humber was there.
He was on the Rice team that won the 2003 College World Series.
On April 21, 2012, Humber pitched the 21st perfect game in MLB history
for the Chicago White Sox, defeating the Seattle Mariners.

Things were just getting started when I was there.
I picked up my season tickets. 


I'm still crocheting.
I finished making all the patterns in the Mirror Image Scarf book.
Now, I'm putting the patterns together for different looks.
Have to use up the stash!

Crochet and Reading

I did order the cottage charm baby afghan (pattern and yarn) from Mary Maxim.
I loved the pattern and thought it would make a pretty lapghan.
The pink flower is the beginning of the lapghan.

Now reading I Shot The Buddha by Colin Cotterill.
It is a Dr. Siri Paiboun mystery set in Laos.
I've been reading the series from the beginning and always look forward
to the next Dr. Siri and friends adventure. 
You get a feel for what Laos was like in the 70's.
Fear, angst, and amazingly, humor. 
In this one animism, Buddhism and communism are center stage.
If you think you might be interested in this series you must start with the first one --
otherwise you will get lost and only Dr. Siri will be able to find you......!

Mosaic: Crochet and Reading

Oliver had to supervise while I was taking photos. 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Five on Friday

Willy Nilly Friday

Mosaic Monday

Make It Pretty Monday


  1. Valentines Day!!! Oh how fun.
    What a great photo of your robin friends.

  2. Love your photo of the robins so different to ours over here in the UK. Your Valentine's flowers are lovely. I like coffee out of a mug but prefer tea in a cup although as I'm the only tea drinker I usually end up with a mug. Have a lovely weekend:)

  3. i believe your knight is right up there in the stars too! your coffee cup reminds me of the show i am currently watching "big love"! i am watching it on demand, it has bill paxton in it and is about's pretty good! i am excited for baseball season too and your projects are so pretty! have a great weekend and thank you so much for linking :)

  4. First off - thank you for the hug. I'm having it while I sit here with a mug of tea. It's a special brew called 'chocolate tea' that our local supermarket sells. It doesn't taste of chocolate, but it's very soothing.

    As Rosie says, your robins aren't like English ones at all. They're much more like our thrushes, but they look wonderful.

    I'm glad you feel like your Knight in Shining Armour is still there. I really believe they don't go far away.

  5. I agree with Rosie, your robins are quite different to the ones that live in our garden, still it's pretty clever to be able to take a shot through your window without disturbing them, something I've never managed to do!
    Love your EB mug, I bought the SP the blue version a few years ago but sadly it got broken recently and the design is no longer manufactured.
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Oooh! There's a Dr. Siri I haven't read. Must get that!

  7. I like your red and blue theme!

  8. Lovely crochet. The birds look really cute - I wonder what they were saying too. Interesting I bet lol.

    Happy Five on Friday

  9. Lovely moments from your week. Really like your crochet very pretty !

  10. You always take such interesting and beautiful photos!

  11. Oh those iris's! So beautiful and I just cannot get them to grow!

  12. How lovely to see Robins through your window. I remember robins from my childhood in England but now living in Australia we don't have them. They are so pretty.
    jeanette ann

  13. Great photo of the robins! Gorgeous flowers too. Sounds like you had a lovely Valentine's Day.

  14. You took a wonderful photo through your door. Love the furry supervisor in your last photo. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  15. Robins are a sweet sight in winter giving us promises of Spring. That's a great mug! I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  16. Oliver is my kind of kitty.

    I think the Robin's are squabbling over territory.

  17. Those beautiful Iris caught my eye! Funny, I was just saying to myself today that the robins are back. I could hear them chirping and carrying on while I was out in the yard. I'm sure your sweetie was right there with you to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. xx Karen

  18. Gosh your robins are so different to ours. I had to look twice The book series looks interesting may look into them

  19. Lovely crochet and the pink flower looks so pretty on the blue.

  20. What pretty flowers, lovely to see the Spring bulbs again. It looks like you've had a busy week. ☺

  21. It sounds like you had a lovely week. Valentine's day is a funny one isn't it? I've never been a big celebrator of the day myself. It seems very commercialized...even more so than Christmas.

  22. Beautify Iris! No sign of robins around here yet (northerly Alberta Canada) but it's been so mild this winter, I wouldn't be surprised to hear them sooner than usual. They are my favourite sound of Spring, along with water running in the creeks or along a culvert. Your kitty cat looks adorable -- they have to be into everything we are, such curiosity.

    Many good wishes for a beautiful weekend,

  23. I too like the ritual of tea--whether mug or teacup. It brings a rhythm to the day. Pretty mug and wonderful crocheting!

  24. Robins have been seen in our area, too, lots of them, especially in the garden. I watched one pull up a very fat worm the other day. Isn't it lovely that spring is on the way?

  25. Love the Emma Bridgewater mug. I bought my first two EB mugs in January. I love them and really hope I don't become an addict. I can't afford it. LOL But they do have so many that are beautiful and charming!

  26. Well done on celebrating Valentines day - the Prosecco is a great choice!
    Sorry you've lost your partner - I love your theory that you are still together but just in different worlds - so true.
    Enjoy your baseball season - our summer sport over here is cricket which I love!

  27. you had a really cool day full of emotions:) i like your photos:) follow;) now waiting for U:)

  28. Ooh, I've never heard of Dr Siri - must check that out - I love stories in exotic places.
    Your photo of the robins is brilliant - I can't get mine to sit still that long hahaha

  29. Interesting this and that...this is my first time visiting your blog...hopefully I will be back. I htink it looks interesting but sometimes life gets in the way.

  30. It's lovely to spot that first robin, especially when it is a nice fat one with a bright red breast. I like Valentine's Day too - all pleasure and little angst over celebrations!

  31. It is a day of joy when the little birds return! Interesting reading tip, have to look if it is available in my library. Wishing you a lovely week!

  32. Your photo of the robins brought back memories of my kindergarten days, when I first learned about these birds and was taught the song, 'Robin in the Rain', which I still find myself singing when spring debuts each year.

    Your collection of culinary delights and cozy cuties must have made for a lovely Valentine's Day.

    How pretty is your crochet! I admire those who have a talent for such creativity.

    Have a lovely week,

  33. Wonderful memories of you Mister, Snap. I'm sure his love is with you always.
    Robins speak of the coming spring!

  34. I'm stopping by from MosaicMonday. We have the robins here too, such a lovely sight to see.

  35. Hi, I love doing tea as well. Generally, I love a large mug bf black tea. I have several china tea cups and use them for special occasions. We are seeing signs of spring as well. Love the crochet and especially the pink flower. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

  36. Love the picture of the bright blue iris...

    Please visit:

  37. Interestingly I am no0w reading the Dalai Lama's cat! Have a fabulous week, and thank you so much for visiting.

  38. I enjoy the process of brewing tea, but lately it's been a Keurig quickie! I cannot wait to hear the SOUNDS of the robins singing! Lucky you! Looks like you had a lovely Valentine's day with chocolate, tea in a cute mug, a new afghan (with new yarn!) and robins serenading you! Enjoy!



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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