Friday, February 3, 2017

This and That

This is what is going on in Houston.

super bowl

No, I'm not going.
I'll watch on television.
Houston traffic is bad enough without the Super Bowl in town.
I'm staying home!



I finally got a good face shot of Oliver.
He is a good boy.
He doesn't meow -- he sort of yodels!
Yack, Yack, Yack! 


Eggs florentine

The morning after some medical tests.
Eggs Florentine at Hungry's.



Tulips from the grocery.



I've been a big fan of Shelagh Duffett's art.
I read her blog and follow her on FaceBook.
When she announced her book was published,
I knew I had to get a copy.
It's a lot of fun.
Page after page of cats and the alphabet.
Perfect for bedtime reading for the kids or for me! 

I also finished another of the Mirror Image Scarves.
I'm keeping this one!




  1. I don't even know where to start - this is such a brilliant post.

    That book looks like something i should add to my story time collection. bet i can get the book store to order . . . hmmm

    Your kitty is gorgeous.

    It's great to visit this morning. (I want breakfast at Hungry's now . . sigh.)

  2. Handsome Oliver. Pretty tulips. Very wise of you to avoid the traffic this weekend. As for me, I won't even be watching on TV. Not a football fan. I hope all your test results are good.

  3. Oh, those eggs look delicious! Your cat has a cute face.

  4. What a handsome cat Oliver is. The tulips look so pretty and the cat book looks wonderful. Have a good weekend:)

  5. Oliver has a beautiful face, makes me miss having a cat. I've always enjoyed watching big games from the comfort of home - you can easily get to the washroom or get up and make something to eat. We're baseball fans and when we go to a Jays game in Toronto one almost has to mortgage their home for a hotdog. lol

  6. Sweet cat! The yak, yak, yak I know too...
    Again a nice cat book, have it at my wishlist now, I'm still waiting for "Paintbrush in Paris", have bought it, but shipping is directly from USA, takes a long time, I cannot await -
    Enjoy your weekend

  7. Good idea to stay home for the big game! Great shot of Oliver. I am intrigued that he yodels. :) Happy weekend to you!

  8. I would be staying home too. I love the colors of the scarf AND the tulips! Have a good weekend!

  9. Houston must be nuts, right now - I kind of wish I was there to cheer for my team - but I'll settle for going to a party. I'm not sure I'd like all the craziness, anyway. Oliver is quite the handsome guy! The cat book looks adorable!

  10. Yeah I would agree being in heavy traffic anywhere is not fun.
    What a neat book.
    Oliver is so cute!
    Pretty flowers. I never seem to have flowers in the house as the cats like to eat them.

  11. What lovely things to share on a Friday!! A fun post. I couldn't choose one, but I am rather partial to the idea of the cat book!!

  12. I really enjoyed seeing the tulips, a real treat!

  13. Imagine how nuts it would have been if the matchup had been

    Cowboys vs Texans.

    An all texas superbowl? Unlikely to ever happen but certainly was possible this year

  14. Oliver is a handsome daughter had a cat named Oliver many years ago. He was black.

  15. Oh, Oliver is a handsome guy! Wishing you a great weekend!

  16. I like Shelagh Duffett's art too! I didn't know about her new book though -- thanks for keeping me informed!

  17. Tulips, a yummy breakfast, blue skies - all things to make a day brighter. I'm not a sports fan, so the Superbowl doesn't mean much around here.

  18. What a pretty cat Oliver is! I love the colors of your crochet. I'm going shopping during the superbowl - the stores will be empty and I can record it and watch it later. The book looks so colorful and fun. Hope your weekend is good. xx Karen

  19. so much excitement going on in your city! the cat book looks cute, very colorful and i'd love to hear oliver yodeling :) the tulips made me very happy! i should get some! thanks for linking and have a great weekend!

  20. i don't know if my comment showed up but among other things i said, i absolutely love the tulips! thanks for linking and have a great weekend!

  21. Good five, love the picture of Oliver, such a handsome young man.

  22. No wonder you're in love with Oliver - such a handsome fellow. He looks as if he just came from the groomer.

  23. We are all gripped here on our news with all things American, including the Superbowl and Lady Gaga's preparations! Hope you enjoy watching on the telly with your gorgeous Oliver and cheery tulips!
    Oh, and may your favourite team win!
    Wren x

  24. Eggs Florentine, so full of freshness and appetizing colour - a tasty and nourishing treat after fasting(?). Oliver is quite the handsome feline and very photogenic. Aren't tulips just the perfect pick-me-up?

    Have a wonderful week,

  25. You are smart to stay home! It was a crazy game but we enjoyed it on tv and the halftime show was spectacular! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  26. What a great week you had, Oliver really is a handsome chap. Did your team win, I hope so.
    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  27. Wonderful post. I would not go out in that traffic either. Sweet Oliver---a wonderful cat I am sure. We have some of the largest Tulip fields in the US here in our own Skagit Valley. Sold all over the world. I can't wait 'til they come up---photo op ya know.

  28. Oh boy, if the Super Bowl is in town I'd be home too! Oliver is a handsome boy, love that sweet face and I know the yodels just melt your heart :) The breakfast looks yummy and certainly deserving after tests. I have a hard time getting thru the supermarket without flowers jumping into my cart. I think it will be tulips this week after seeing yours. I really have to look at the Sheath Duffett's CATalphabet book. It could be a great gift for my cat loving sister.
    Hope you have a wonderful week.........

  29. I love Oliver. He is so pretty. I would imagine that Houston was a mess near the stadium. I have relatives in the Houston area, Spring, TX. Breakfast looked pretty good, too.

  30. You take such beautiful photographs. The breakfast looks delicious.

  31. What beautiful cat art. I can see why you were keen to get a copy, when you heard it was to be published. Enjoy reading it!

  32. oliver is a cutie pie! I hope all the medical testing comes out good :)

  33. I heard that it was a really exciting game.

  34. Oliver is a stunning Siamese! What a happy post. Boy I would have stayed home and not even driven outside when the Superbowl was on -- can't imagine the traffic situation there during it.


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