Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's September!

It's September!
Did you say "Rabbit, Rabbit" the first thing in the morning on September 1?
It's supposed to bring you good luck! 

I'm just hoping it will bring cooler weather.
How about highs in the 80s instead of 90s???!!!!
I'd go for that.

Down came the summer welcome sign from the front door 
and up went the burlap wreath.


It looks nice surrounded by the blue door frame.

I also changed out the flag that flies from the balcony.
The Scarecrow is flying high.

Fall Flag

Then I went hunting for the fabric pumpkins.
I'm still looking for some of them,
but it's a good start.

It's September

Pumpkin Moonshine is one of my favorite little books by Tasha Tudor
and is always a Fall favorite.

Getting Ready for Fall!

When I'm not looking for fall decorations,
I have my knitting needles going.

I've made four (yes, four) Oblique Kerchief.
It's an easy pattern and the yarn is soft to the touch and easy to work with.


Now I'm working on the Ribbed Collar Bolero.
I have a stash of Lion Brand Homespun and this is an opportunity to use it up.
If I like the finished project, I'll make some more.
I've only "frogged" 4 or 5 times.
It is a simple ribbing, but trying to watch a baseball game
and having three kitties determined to sit on my lap and the knitting
makes dropping stitches very easy!
Knock on wood, but I seem to be moving right along now.

I finally got to my Stitch and Bitch group.
They are a crochet group that meets at a local restaurant twice a month.
Not much bitching, but a whole lot of stitching, laughing and eating going on.
They welcome knitters, too.

Crochet Group


Now I'm looking for my little Dump Cake cookbook.
Autumn Dump Cake 
made with pears, apple pie filling, dried cranberries sounds good to me!

September Collage

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Willy Nilly Friday

Five on Friday

Mosaic Monday

Home Sweet Home


  1. I know, it's September! It is hard to get into the swing of things concerning fall with these high temps and humidity. Feels like summer here. I will start to pull a few things for color inside and maybe a tablescape soon. Your burlap wreath is lovely and the flag is to cute. You are very creative with your knitting needles. I'm afraid the needles would go every which way with me. Wish I could knit, I think I would enjoy it. Your group sounds like fun :)

  2. i have never heard of "rabbit, rabbit"! i am going to have to google your projects and you look ready for fall! it feels like fall here this morning, cloudy and windy and cool...i think we are getting some of this from that tropical storm on the coast. love the stitch and bitch, funny name and sounds like a great time! thank you for linking and have a wonderful weekend, hopefully it will be a bit cooler for you!

  3. Stitch 'n bitch -- is that anything like tat 'n chat? LOL

  4. What this rabbit thing all about? I'm hoping for temps in th 70s. My Belarus seems to be always in the wash. Enjoy!

  5. It seems odd to me, but this year the first day of September was definitely Fallish, cool with rain showers here in the Pacific Northwest. I am being stubborn and holding off on setting out Autumnal decorations until the first official day of Fall, but I enjoy seeing your decor and I want to read the Tasha Tudor book! I enjoy attending a weekly stitching group at church. We are working on making little blankets for preemies at a local NICU and have fun coming up with patterns that are not lacy but are interesting. I stick to simple stitches and admire your brave more complicated pattern. Hoping you will be cooler and more comfortable in the days ahead!

  6. Oh yes 80's will be most welcome! I am tired of hot 90's !
    I need to find my fall décor soon. Yours are lovely.

  7. Fall is arrived in your nice decorations... and I want to hold the summertime. We have just more summer here than in all the other time of this season.
    Never have say "Rabbit, rabbit!", but I will learn, why...
    I like the blue stripes in your knitwork, such a bolero would wear too.
    Enjoy your weekend

  8. I've been getting things switched over for Autumn too. Love the name of your group.

  9. Hope you find that little dump cake book and share that recipe soon. Love the Stitch and Bitch name!

  10. Your fall decor is so lovely. I can't believe that autumn will soon be here. We've had a hot, hot summer down here in southern California. I'm excited to see your knitting when it's completed; love the color and design! Pat xx

  11. Happy September. You've just reminded me that I need to change the wreath on my front door.

  12. Didn't know about the "rabbit" trick. Would have tried it!

  13. Love all your pretty projects and lovely photos :) Autumn is just around the corner, I can see signs of change already.

  14. What lovely handiworks! The pumpkin is just too cute!

  15. Rabbit rabbit is a new one on me - I've heard of white rabbit so I think they must be connected. The change in the season is certainly upon us here in the UK. Love your knitting project, I have a Xmas sewing project I need to start.

    Five on Friday

    Angela - Garden Tea Cakes and Me

  16. Five lovely things. It is good to celebrate the seasons and there does feel a change in the air. Your crochet groups sounds wonderful, I bet you have some lovely times there:)

  17. Crafting is always more fun with friends, isn't it? Looks as if you have a nice large group.

    I have a friend from England who says, "Rabbit, Rabbit" on the last day of the month, and the morning of the 1st, he says, "Hare". Have you ever heard that saying?

  18. Love the name "Stitch and Bitch" for your group! :-) That bolero is going to be lovely. Such a hopeful-for-fall post! It was a nice frosty-morning post!

  19. I didn't say rabbit, rabbit... instead it was hip hip hooray!!! I love September and the change of season to my favourite. I love the autumnal touches you are doing and I am busy getting everything out now ready to welcome all the rustic browns and reds into the home. Have a lovely weekend xx

  20. I am nowhere near ready for autumn yet, but it was lovely to see your autumnal preparations. Your pumpkin is especially lovely! Thank you for joining in, have a great weekend! xx

  21. It's white rabbits in this house - and for one I remembered! You're well into autumn mode and I still haven't had my summer holiday. I hope the sunshine can hold out for another couple of weeks.

  22. I'm hanging onto summer for as long as possible, but it's fun to see all the autumn things people show on their blogs. You've done well with the knitting in spite of the kitty distractions!

  23. Hello, I am not ready to let go of summer yet. Your fall decorations are pretty. The group meeting sounds like a fun time for all. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  24. Like others who have commented I'm not ready to let go of summer just yet although the idea of your dump cake has me intrigued!
    Thanks for sharing your seasonal theme with us for Mosaic Monday this week, keep stitching!

  25. I love the Autumn wreath of colorful leaves! And what a cute book. It seems like we are all ready for a change when Sept rolls around! Rabbit Rabbit! Is it too late for me? heehee! Hugs!

  26. I also put up my fall wreath and pulled out some pumpkin decorations. I don't want to rush the summer's end but I am ready for fall!

  27. You have been busy embracing autumn. I really should get a wiggle in and do that too. Love the look of the kerchief shawls. X

  28. A fall cake sounds delicious! I am ready to bake one! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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