Monday, August 8, 2016

In Time For Tea

I love to give books for special occasions or no occasion ...
To kids and adults.

I heard about Chimpanzees for Tea by Jo Empson in the 
Afternoon Tea Across America group I belong to on FaceBook.

Chimpanzees for Tea

Vincent's mother sends him to the store with a shopping list.
She wants him to be home in time for tea.
Along the way Vincent loses his shopping list.
He tries to remember everything on the list 
and comes home with some unexpected items.
But he is in time for tea! 
Great illustrations and lots of fun.
I think it will be a wonderful birthday gift for the little girl next door.

Chimpanzees for Tea

I decided I wanted to be in time for tea, too.
I was especially tea thirsty and got out one of my favorite oversized tea cups.

Teatime Teacup

The perfect Tea Time Teacup.
It is part of the Leonardo Collection.
Designed in England. 
More fun!


Wishing YOU well, much joy, a good book, and a wonderful cup of tea!

Home Sweet Home

Make It Pretty Monday

No Place Like Home

Mosaic Monday

Tuesday Cup of Tea


  1. What a cute book! I love stories like this that make you smile! Lovely tea cup too! Enjoy your day. Hugs, Diane

  2. I saw that book on ATAA as well. Looks very cute.

    I like your tea cup, I have a few that size but not that pattern. I'm off to brew a cuppa now and have a lemon scone.

    Have a good day!

  3. Hello, the book is cute. It would be great for my great nephew and niece. I love the pretty teacup! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. Sounds like a great little read, thank goodness he made it back home in time for tea. Speaking of tea I think it's time to put the kettle on.
    Happy MM from Normandy.

  5. Hello, the book sounds like very much fun and your tea cup is fabulous. With the topic, colours and fonts so similar, this series of photos is really beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing and have a lovely new week!

  6. what a cute book this looks like...i may order it and a cute little teacup and some amazing tea for my great-grandgirl who is 7.....would make a sweet Christmas gift....

  7. That is a sweet tea cup!
    Thank you for the book recommendation. I'm always on the lookout for something new for the little ones and this book looks very cute. Have a good week!

  8. Looks like a really nice little read, Snap. I love the large cup and saucer too. Cute post! Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day.


  9. Hi Snap,

    I adore your teacup and saucer -- just charming!! I find teacups hard to resist. ;) This looks like such a cute, fun book. Reading is so important for all of us, but children in particular, I think. I loved reading to our son when he was little, and he still enjoys reading today.

    Thank you for your visit, Snap, and have a great day!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. I love to give books too. In fact, each month I mail our grandkids in BC a book each from my huge collection. We are heading out to visit them in September and I've already got a big pile of books to put in the suitcase :) The one you shared looks really nice.

  11. What a cute story. It's always good to be home for tea. Sylvia D.

  12. What a sweet children's book! I love the bears's name--one of my favorites ;)

    Your tea set is very pretty. It's always nice to enjoy a good cup of tea in the afternoon as a pick me up!

  13. Cute! I like that tea time cup and saucer. Fun mosaic. Have a good week!

  14. I'm a book lover too and always give books as presents. I think the grandchildren would prefer some computer appliances though :) Happy week!

  15. Yes,I saw the book on ATAA also.Wouldn't mind adding it to my collection of tea books.I do love a cup of Tea!

  16. That looks like a fun book to share with someone young (or young at heart). Your teacup is a wonderful thing!

  17. I think books make the best gifts. It's great to see a children's book about tea.
    Your large cup is perfect for a relaxing morning. Love the pattern.

  18. I'm with you, books as gifts are a great idea. I love giving and receiving them. This one looks so charming. I admit that I too have suffered a change tea after forgetting where I put my shopping list, ha ha! Love your image of the flowers and book. And you giant cup. x

  19. Oh you bought the book! I should go back to the library and at least look through it.
    I have a couple of those large sized teacups - they hold the same amount as a mug, don't they?

  20. Such a cute book! Love the flowers and pretty tea-cup, too! Looks like a lovely tea :) x Karen

  21. I adore your cup and saucer and the Chimpanzee book made me smile. I'll have to get one for my friends' kids!

  22. What a charming book, Snap, and one that I'd love to read to my young grands. Your teacup is such a nice size, but I'd be needing some iced tea in it during this month. I also saw your darling crocheted panda and owl...what sweet shower gifts. I would love to try to make one.
    Thank you for your visit to my blog. Your comments are never emailed to me, but I do see them in the comment section and I so appreciate your visit.

  23. That has got to be the cutest book! Would have loved to have had that when I taught kindergarten! Love the tea time teacup. Used to have them, but nor sure they are still availale. Always one of my favorites! Thanks so much flor linkong to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  24. What a fun post! I love books and flowers and tea cups and mugs, I really loved your post.

  25. Ooohhh - I am going to have to put that on my future reads list for my grand for the future- thanks - never heard of it. May have to get that for my 2 year old niece, who loves to have wee tea parties.

    Thanks! Hugs!!

  26. My kind of Chimps! So cute! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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