Friday, June 3, 2016

This and That

1. I celebrated my birthday this week.

Cafe Caspian

A good friend took me to Cafe Caspian to celebrate.
I had Chenjeh (chunks) of chicken breast, marinated, skewered and charbroiled, served with Albalu Polow (Cherry Rice) white basmati rice topped with flavorful sweet and sour cherries, almonds, and pistachios.
Peach iced tea.

2. I have more celebration lunches planned with members of my tribe, 
but it has to stop raining.
Yes, it is still raining.

Fly HIgh

Fly High is my card for June 1.
Only 60 more to go! 

4. One year older means it's time for my annual with my Doc.
All the tests are done.
Meeting with him in two weeks.
The trials and tribulations of getting older!

5. I need to visit the farmers market this weekend.
I need more peaches!
I feel so bad for the farmers.
The rains haven't been kind.
Hope it isn't raining Saturday morning.

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Willy Nilly Friday

Five On Friday


  1. Happy Birthday, Snap. Sounds like your lunch was divine and more to come... we, too, have a lot of rain. I just hate that but the plants thrive so I shouldn't complain. See you again soon.

  2. good morning and happy birthday! your lunch sounds delicious and what a pretty place to have it! enjoy the rest of your celebrations and i hope your tests come back perfect! i too hope no rain tomorrow, my boys have their last baseball games! have a wonderful weekend and thank you for linking to willy nilly!

  3. Belated Birthday wishes, looked like you have celebrated in style. Love the card, it is amazing.

  4. Belated birthday greetings. Hope the continued celebrations can take place soon, hoping that is of course that the rain stops for you x

  5. Happy Birthday! Have a great week celebrating. Hope the rains end, and your tests results are all good!

  6. Happy belated birthday. Sounds like you had a wonderful lunch out. That's always a great way to spend a birthday.

    Have a lovely weekend

  7. Happy belated birthday wishes! Looks like you had a wonderful lunch with your friend. I hope that the rains are not causing damage to your home. I see the terrible weather on the news. I hope your test results come out fine. Enjoy the peaches; they sound delicious! Pat xx

  8. Belated Birthday wishes. And I hope the rain holds off too, we are having glorious weather in the UK for a change, so I am not grumbling - not long before it starts lashing down again. PS The kitty in your header is utterly gorgeous.

  9. #1 Happy birthday, 29 is a good age, I've celebrated it over and over again.
    #2 Send the rain to me.
    #3 Looks too difficult for me.
    #4 A good checkup is when the doc says it's OK to but green bananas.
    #5 The late freezes did the peach in here.

  10. Happy Birthday! Glad you had a good day and a good week!! Sounds as though you had fun. I hope that all goes well with your medical. Thank you for your support of Five On Friday, I so appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend! xx

  11. A belated happy birthday to you and may your coming year be the best one yet. Fingers crossed for some sunny days ahead!

  12. Happy (belated) birthday,. sweetie!

    Hope your entire year is awesome.

    I hope it stops raining and that you find delightful peaches at the farmer's market. Just yum. I hail from an island that once was reknown for their peaches. You can read all about the area's history right here:

    Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  13. Belated Birthday greetings. Your lunch sounds wonderful. I do hope it stops raining soon, I love the sound of peaches from the farmer's market:):)

  14. Happy Birthday - I'm early for next year! :-)

  15. Happy Birthday, your meal sounds delicious.

  16. A lovely place to celebrate. Happy Birthday even though I am a little bit late. Loved that beautiful card.

  17. A belated Happy Birthday, Snap! It sounds like you had a very good celebration - and a delicious one too. Getting older has its challenges and one of those is the annual physical. I am not looking forward to mine, as I have gained a little weight and will surely hear about it from my doctor!

  18. Happy Birthday, Snap! May the coming year be an amazing one for you!

  19. I want to go to that restaurant. Duly noted and the web address posted to my "Travel by State" worksheet. Maybe I WILL go there someday.

    I also want to pet every one of the kitties in your photos.

  20. Happy birthday! Looks like you celebrated in style :-)

  21. Happy belated birthday, Snap! Your birthday lunch sounds very delicious. I am enjoying your ICAD drawings on facebook! Good luck on your annual physical tests--hope you pass with flying colors!

  22. Happy belated birthday! Your dinner at the restaurant sounds wonderful, especially the cherry rice. Fresh peaches sound so good - we have only shipped peaches here in WA and they are sub-par this time of year. Your card is wonderful! Positive thoughts on the testing. Take care. x Karen


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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