Monday, March 21, 2016

Hop Hop Hopping

The Easter Bunny is getting ready for the big day.

Easter is Coming

 The arrival of the Easter Bunny
 must mean Spring is hop hop hopping down the bunny trail!

Easter Tea

Time to find the bunny teapot (a World Market find years ago).


While looking for the Bunny Teapot,
I pulled out the Rosina Iris teacup.
I must be prepared for spring!

In the spirit of the season,
I'm going to keep my dust bunnies as decoration! 

Wishing YOU well, much joy and a wonderful cup of tea.

Every Bunny
Needs Some Bunny

Bernideen's Tea Time Cottage and Garden Party


  1. I love your bunnies. They are adorable. Bunnies are my favorite.

  2. Bunnies are such a beautiful sign of spring! Your tea is lovely too... hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy the beauties that springtime is showcasing :)

  3. Your bunnies are so cute and your images very pretty! Happy Spring and enjoy your day.

    Easter blessings,

  4. Thanks so much for the kind words. I am happy to be back to my normal. Love your bunnies. They are always an Easter favorite for me. Have a wonderful Easter dear friend. Hugs, Martha

  5. Your teapots and your teacup are beautiful for welcoming in the first week of Spring, Snap. I have some of those same dust bunnies at my house!! They sure multiply, don't they? Happy Easter week to you!

  6. Just beautiful. I so love you bunnies. They say "spring," don't they?

  7. Those two in the first photo...adorable.

  8. Thank you for this treat

  9. Adorbs to the max! Happy Easter, Snap!

  10. Sweet bunny collection! I really like the green teapot, almost has a Majolica look to it. Thanks for visiting my Easter post, glad my new rabbit made you smile too. :)

  11. Such sweet bunnies have hopped into your home. The teacup and teapot are perfect for celebrating Spring.
    Wishing you a Happy Spring and Easter…...

  12. The things I learn from blogging! If you don't mind I will unabashedly steal your idea of using the Dust Bunnies for Easter Decorations. I might even open an Etsy shop!

  13. Such wonderful bunny statures and the bunny teapot is adorable! Happy Spring and Happy Easter, Snap!

  14. You always do such a great job of making your holidays festive. Cute bunnies everywhere. xox

  15. Sweet decor for this time of year.

  16. Your home is beautifully decorated for Easter. Enjoy! xx

  17. What sweet bunnies and lovely teapot! Happy spring to you!

  18. I love your adorable bunnies. Happy Easter!

  19. A beautiful post for Spring. Your bunnies are adorable. Happy spring.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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