Friday, February 12, 2016

On This Date

Five years ago today,
the LOVE of my life,
My Knight in Shining Armor, 
left this earthly home and traveled on to the stars.


We were together over 30 years.
I think I miss him more with each passing day.
Life goes on.

The Little Prince

With love ....


  1. Sending you a hug, Snap. xoxoxo

  2. Sweet and loving memories. Have a lovely weekend!

  3. A sad date for you. Be comforted by all your happy memories and the knowledge that he is still there, twinkling for you.

  4. Five years - such a short time and such a long time when it is counted in days without your Knight in Shining Armor. I remember five years ago and was just thinking that we must be close to this date. Sending you all my best....

  5. My very best to you, wishing you consolation and sending love.

  6. Very best to you and you journey without your love in your life. Hope you memories will keep him alive in your heart and mind until you met again.

  7. Sending you love and hugs today, Snap.

  8. I'm remembering and sending you hugs.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss.
    Sending big hugs your way! Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  10. Lovelovelove to you, my widowsister. You make your Mister so very proud.
    Love, Deb

  11. Ah, Snap - golly, just ouch. Sending you big hugs.

    Your handsome knight looks like Dash Croft from Seals and Croft fame. I am not sure I ever told you that.

    My heart to you today on St. Valentine's Day. ♥♥♥

  12. It brings tears to my eyes ....
    Such a wonderful man and so difficult for you to miss him.
    Take care!
    Love from Holland,

  13. I certainly know the feeling, Snap. We are kindred souls in the missing of our beloveds.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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