Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Unfortunately, Fall Didn't Last Very Long

The weekend brought a hint of things to come.
Lows in the high 60s and highs in the mid 80s.
Low humidity.
Perfect walking weather.
Off to my village I went and breakfast.


A Tex-Mex omelet.
A book.
And a little pocket Buddha.

The Buddha reminds me to slow down and be grateful.
Be grateful for the farmers who grew the corn and beans,
who raised the chickens for the eggs, the wheat for the bread,
the raspberries for the jam, who picked the leaves for tea, 
the chefs who prepared the food, the cashier who took my order,
the nice young man who clears the tables. 

You get the idea. 

Unfortunately, fall didn't last very long ... 
it only lasted two days,
but it was a hint of things to come!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Little by Little


  1. Yep, two days here too. It was awesome having the windows open for all that fresh air. windows closed and ac on again. Nope, summeris NOT over yet!

  2. The weather has been lovely, but the humidity seems to have returned today. A taste of autumn just makes us greedy for more.

  3. It's warming up here in Ontario again. I got the grass cut today to beat the heat tomorrow. Nice photo & a good reminder. Deb

  4. What a wonderful way to spend the morning! Have a great week :)

  5. I don't know but i think your safe... i think you kinda thanked them when you paid for your meal and the tip ! :) Hugs! deb

  6. Yum, that omelet looks good. We saw this AM that there was a terrible school bus accident in Houston - my heart goes out to all involved.

  7. Love your sweet pocket, Buddha. I have one on my desk at work.

  8. Your breakfast looks delicious and I like the idea of the pocket Buddha, so easy to forget to be thankful for all the pertinent people.

  9. I always find comfort words in your posts. I read and feel what I was looking for today, thanks so much.
    I just need to remind it in my heart and always be grateful.
    wishing you a lovely day.

  10. I love how mindful you are- if we could all remember to do so the world would be a wonderful place!

  11. The omelet looks good. . .it's lunch time and I'm hungry and I think it would taste very good. It all sounds very relaxed where you are. You can't beat that! Have a wonderful weekend!

  12. Sounds like my weather. The cool mornings were more like ships passing in the night. But soon, I am hopeful, they will be more consistent in their visit.

  13. That omelet sounds good. Sunday through Wed. we had 85 temps and low humidity, which I knew would not last. Yesterday back up to the same temps or hotter and high humidity.

  14. Can't wait for fall! Your meals looks so lovely!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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