Tuesday, July 14, 2015



My African violet is blooming.

It's always a surprise when it blooms! 


I'm joining the new meme Tuesday Afternoons.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. It is a pretty surprise, lovely bloom!

  2. Lovely! My mum's got a lot of them too. I just kill them. :-)

  3. Happy happy so pretty. My mother left us 21 years ago yesterday. She would get me little violets and sadly I would do them in, every time. Thank you for the sweet memory of those little beauties~

  4. Oh my goodness!! yay! I have never had one bloom before. I buy them in bloom and then the slowly die. You have inspired me to buy another one and give it another try. Thank you for joining my Tuesday afternoon link up.

  5. Pretty with more blooms to come. I know with African violets, fertilizing is key to keeping them blooming and being in the right light. If you've found the right spot, now you can add more colours!

  6. So beautiful! I have never been able to get an African Violet to flower. Quite impressive.

    **blows kisses**

  7. Pretty. My grandmother had a house full but I was never allowed to get close so they seem farawy to me. Funny never got one either. xox

  8. It's blooming and its a beauty. My houseplant days are over .at least for now since its a bit hard to transplant from one coast to another. But African Violets were my favorites back in our previous life! Little pots of cheer!

  9. For years, I kept my mother's African Violet - I moved it with me to CO from PA. It never bloomed. Then suddenly, it had buds and bloomed on the date of her death. After that final bloom, it withered and died completely. Your violet's bloom reminded me of this - I had forgotten the thrill I felt when my mother's violet bloomed one last time!

  10. Doesn't it make you proud when a plant blooms? I know it does me, even if I had nothing to do with it. It is also a surprise to me because a "green thumb" I do not have!! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Beautiful violet. They are a favorite. And isn't it always a thrill to see them bloom!

  12. Days of surprises.
    Days of beauties.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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