Friday, June 12, 2015

Catching Up

I've been away for awhile.
I have lots of catching-up to do.
Be patient.
I'll be around to visit -- I promise!

First, here's what's happening around here:

Been Busy!

I have some new neighbors.
When I went out to take a photo of them,
Mom wasn't too happy. 
She kept an eye on me the whole time .. along with the babe.

I have a crocosmia blooming in Musashi's Garden.
I planted them last year ... this one and a red one.
They are grown from corms and are a relative of the Iris.
Native to South Africa and the Sudan.
In the states they are known as copper tips or falling stars.
I'm sure I saw then on another blog.
Do I remember which one?
No! Sorry!

Index Card a Day is going strong.
This is Bingo Lady -- torn book pages, acrylic paint, collage.
Some wonderful little pieces of art are being shared on the ICAD FB group.
Why don't you join us?
No pressure .. work at your own speed.
This is my fourth year and I learn so much.

I've had a birthday.
One of my surprise gifts was this wonderful Grapefruit/Mandarin
candle from Goose Creek.
I won this candle in the give-a-way that BJ at Sweet Nothings had.
I love this candle.
The whole house smells like citrus -- summer time!
A big thank you to BJ and to Goose Creek.

I spent sometime in Raleigh, North Carolina.
It's not a good place to go if you are on a diet!
BGD (beautiful god-daughter) and her handsome fella
asked me to come for their confirmation.
Here they are on confirmation day.
Look at those smiles!


They have a beautiful home and BGD sets a gorgeous table filled with memories.
The china from her maternal grandmother,
the shell napkin rings and crystal from his maternal grandmother,
and the silver from me.

The other reason to visit was to meet my god-dog.
Oh, my, but he is a handsome guy ... and big!
He's a sweet boy, gentle (rolling on the floor with moi).

More photos to come.

Hope all is well with you and yours.
Wishing YOU well and much joy!

A big thank you to Judith for hosting Mosaic Monday.


  1. It sounds like you've been having a wonderful time. It's always good to catch up with you.

  2. You've been busy! I hope your new neighbours are quiet.

  3. So happy to have you back. I was concerned about you with all that crazy weather in your part of the country.

    It looks as if you were off having a wonderful time. Your BGD certainly lives up to the beautiful part.

  4. Lovely to catch up on your news and to know that all is well. xx

  5. Hello, it was fun catching up with you! I love the beautiful flowers and the sweet doves! Congrats on your winning the candle, so glad you are enjoying the scent. It sounds wonderful. Your god-daughter and her fella are a cute couple. I love the sweet doggie shots. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  6. Nice new neighbors, some robin's have moved in to the apple tree at our bedroom window. Been watching the babies grow. So sweet. Looks like you have a marvelous time in NC with family. Nice trip. Stay safe during the rain. xox

  7. Your crocosmia is gorgeous...your mosaic is lovely as well with everything complementing so nicely. You have won some delightful giveaways recently. Congrats are in order. What fun to get away and how pleasant to return home.

  8. Belated Happy Birthday!
    Grapefruit/Mandarin sounds indeed a wonderful combination of scents.
    The doggie looks incredibly cute. :)
    Have a lovely week!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful time in Raleigh with some sweet ones! Love that Bingo lady. :-) (and, of course, the dog!)

  10. Happy Belated Birthday and I love your new neighbors...

  11. When I see your orange crocosmia I wish I had ordered some with the red 'Lucifer' I put in a couple of years ago. I just moved a few to a different spot today, very easy as I wasn't sure how it would work out.
    I'm glad you won the candle from BJ, congrats and enjoy Sharon!
    It looks like godmother is a push over for her furbaby god son. :-)
    Thank you for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you've had a busy but productive and fun June!

  13. A belated Happy Birthday! Congratulations on winning the candle. I always enjoy the citrus ones as they usually have such a fresh smell. Sounds and looks like a very enjoyable trip - thanks for sharing with us.

  14. When there's so much to enjoy elsewhere it's hard to find the time to blog about it, but I'm glad that you have, it was nice to meet you & the family.
    Hope your summer is a wonderful one!

  15. Nice to see you again. Happy Belated Birthday,Snap!
    Having new neighbors is fun.
    Have a wonderful day!

  16. Thanks so much for stopping by the Garden Spot. The crocosmia is just simply gorgeous. I'd love to find an orange. I have a bright red one. We find them in the garden centers every now and then, but not a real popular plant. I don't know why, they are so stunning and the butterflies like them.

  17. Oh, was my pleasure to have the candle glad you won and so glad you like the candle you choose. You sounded so happy with it that I am ordering one for myself. :)
    xo bj

  18. You have been a busy lady! And having more fun than you can shake a stick at (as my grandma might have said).... Even rolling on the floor fun ...what a beautiful big dog. Lovely pix, happy belated BDAy .

  19. Hi Snap, love to see what's blooming in your garden. So different from what I can grow. Looks like you were a hit with the Dog! Happy belated birthday to you!

  20. Sounds like a wonderful trip and that you were treated like royalty. And that pup is a handsome prince ...he's just gorgeous!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
We are all so busy these days. It means a lot that you dropped in to visit and left a comment. I hope you come back to visit soon.