Thursday, May 7, 2015

I Almost Cried

I was so excited.
One of the vendors at the Farmer's Market said they had peaches.
I started dreaming of peach pie,
peach smoothies,
I could hardly wait for Saturday to come around.

They weren't there!
No peaches!
I almost cried.

Yesterday I had to go to Fresh Market to pick up a few things.
It was also cleaning day, so I thought I might pick up a sandwich --
cleaning day means no cooking day.

What did I find?
They were a little small and hard, but boy did they smell good.
So I got a few ... 


And this morning I had the first smoothie of the peach season.


Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Thanks to Kim for hosting:
Little by Little


  1. We won't have good locally grown ones until July here.. but I am SO looking forward to them! Nothing better than a REAL, fresh, juicy peach!

  2. YUM; have a nice Thursday

    much love...

  3. Sounds soooooo good. xox

  4. Cleaning day is no-cooking day? Who knew. I am now adopting that. I, too, love peaches.

  5. Ah....peaches.....I grew up on what was once an island known for all its peach trees. It was a huge booming business at the early part of last century.

    There's country clubs and marinas and lovely condos now where MOST of those old heritage 1870s peach trees once resided....but those who kept up the peach farms, oh my word there is nothing better to me than a freshly picked warm Catawba Peach. Oh wow I am now terribly homesick.

    I am very happy you found some peaches. If they're unripe put them in a brown paper bag and they will ripen fast for you and get nice and soft.

  6. Yay for peaches and their smoothies!

  7. That smoothie sure looks good! I must get out to our local peach farm soon.

  8. I heard on the radio just the other day that the peaches are early this year for some reason. Global warming probably. Enjoy that smoothie!

  9. I love good, ripe, summer peaches! Can't wait!

  10. Glad you found the peaches and that smoothie looks delicious. Last weekend our farmers' market had tiny peaches called Tree Ripe. It was my first time trying that variety and they were packed with flavor. Have a good weekend. ~Nora

  11. I wait all year for peaches! So glad you found some! xo Karen

  12. Peaches were in the grocery store for 3.40 per lb and no scent, hard as a rock. Oh I can't wait for fresh ones :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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