Sunday, September 14, 2014

September Days Are Here

...September days are here,
With summer's best of weather,
And autumn's best of cheer.
~Helen Hunt Jackson

Last weekend I put the Autumn wreath on the front door. 
It was an effort to get Autumn to make an appearance.

Fall Wreath

And guess what?!
It worked!
At least for one day.
Lows in the high 60s and a high today in the low 80s.
It may not sound like much to most of you, but to me, it was bliss!

I made a trip to Trader Joe's and came home with some goodies including these:

Bouquet Collage

Such pretty fall colors!
Mums, Protea and Eucalyptus.
They should last awhile (I hope).
I love Protea and I don't splurge on them too often.

Kooky Protea

They provided some playtime, too.

The produce bins were full of squash and cooking pumpkins.
I came home with these:

Delicata Squash

Delicata Squash
Small and cute!
Have any of you tried them?
The sweet girl who checked me out said she'd tried them and they were very good.
She put a little sea salt on them.
I'll let you know what I think.
At one dollar, I couldn't resist!
And, I liked that the label said Product of the USA.

After my trip to TJs I walked into my Village.
Had lunch.
Checked out the 2015 calendars at Half-Price Books and walked home.

Cubs baseball now and then football.

That's it for me.

Today I'm joining the lovely Judith for Mosaic Monday
and The Fabulous Fall Party

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

"Delicious Autumn!
My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns."
~George Eliot


  1. I love delicato squash. I used it in a recipe just a couple of weeks ago.

  2. Snap, that's an amazing mosaic you produced of that gorgeous flower. It sounds like an interesting trip to TJoe's. Have a good week.

  3. I've never tried that squash - love the protea - we used to use them in the florist shop on occasion. Have a good week, Snap!

  4. I love your Autumn wreath, it is so pretty. Trader Joe's is one of our favorite stores.. Grilled squash is yummy, how do you cook it? Great post, thanks for sharing. Enjoy your week!

  5. Absolutely beautiful collages and reminders that autumn has arrived in some areas! Happy week -

  6. Love your wreath . . .
    It gave me some ideas . . .
    Now to . . ."get with it!"

  7. I have not seen that squash around here yet...pretty wreath! :

  8. I like your autumn wreath, very natural looking. Protea are nice in a bouquet and arrangements, but as you've noted they are expensive. What the heck, you only live once!
    I've not seen this type of squash but you can't go wrong for the price, let us know how they taste.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday Snap.

  9. I am growing Delicata squash and it is is cool here...high 60 and low 40....brrr!

  10. Pretty post. I'm with you when it comes to Autumn, Snap. Love everything about it. Your wreath is the prettiest one I have ever seen. Deb

  11. Beautiful wreath! Autumn colors are so pretty.

  12. We are enjoying some fall temps here too. Pumpkins are on the front porch :)

  13. Autumn is here with all its beauty.

  14. That's a lovely wreath! I haven't done a bit of decorating. We've had some cooler days, but I'm waiting for the 50s and 60s--my favorite!

  15. It's starting to feel autumnal here although our trees haven't really started to turn yet.

  16. I lost you- so glad I found you again! Love your wreath- I want to make one with burlap like I have been seeing around the net, and if I don't hurry up it will be winter! Have a great week!

  17. One of the prettiest autumn wreaths I have seen ~ it looks lovely!

  18. Nice to see you again,Snap!
    Your mosaic header is so lovely and the flowers too!!! Thank you for visiting. It was first time for me to try mosaic.
    That squash looks funny.I am sure they are so sweet.I would love to taste them!!

    Have a good new week.

  19. Hi Snap, Just stopping by to say HI. How are you? Been to the zoo lately???

    Keep some of that cooler-for-Texas weather going. We will be visiting family down there soon...

    I have heard that the Delicata Squash is VERY good. I personally don't think I have had any....


  20. I can't bring myself to put fall out yet. But soon...

  21. Looks like a great time for squash - autumn is a-comin'. Love the way you did the mosaic - like modern art - lovely.

  22. What a lovely wreath that is. It really says autumn. The colours are so beautiful.
    Have a nice week

  23. The fall wreath has beautiful colors that put us in the mood for fall. Here in Colorado we have had our first frost already, putting an end to the vegetable garden, and we didn't even have to put out a wreath to invite Jack Frost to pay us a visit.

  24. Oh what a pretty wreath. The squash is really interesting!
    I would love you to link at the Fabulous Fall Linky Party.
    Come check me out. It is open through Sept.

  25. Thanks for linking at The Fabulous Fall Party. The party will go to the end of the month. Link any time!
    Enjoy your week.

  26. I am still waiting to decorate for Fall. Your wreath is so pretty. So many possibilities to make with squash. Enjoy your week.

  27. Nice wreath Snap. Love your squishy squash. xox

  28. Your wreath is beautiful, and those the photos. I wish the cooler weather would arrive out here but I think I have at least another month to go.

  29. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

    ♥ ~Michele

  30. The good thing about proteas is that they last a long time so that' makes the splurge worth it.your mention of the Village made me a little homesick.

  31. Congrats! You've won my giveaway!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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