Saturday, September 27, 2014

Harbingers of Fall

When this guy shows up in Musashi's Garden,
I know it's Fall.

It's the only time he appears at the bird bath!

Great-tailed Grackle

A big, brash blackbird,
the male Great-tailed Grackle shimmers in iridescent black and purple,
and trails a tail that will make you look twice.

Great-tailed Black Bird

* *

You may recognize this arrangement.
I replaced the old mums with new bronze colored ones this week.
The protea are hanging in.
You can see how they've changed.
They are beginning to dry and change color, but still add a little pizazz to the fall arrangement.
A very good buy at Trader Joe's!

Protea Collage


The arrival of fall means it's soup, stew and chili time.
I made Pineapple Pork Chili and like all good chili -- it's better the second day.
It is a Better Homes and Gardens recipe.

Pork Pineapple Chili



1 pound ground pork or beef
1 16 ounce jar pineapple salsa
1 15 ounce can red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 8 ounce can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon chili powder
Pineapple slices (optional)

1. in 3-quart saucepan brown pork; drain. Stir in salsa, beans, tomato sauce, and chili powder. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat. Simmer, uncovered for 10 minutes. Serve with pineapple slices.

If you can't find pineapple salsa, use regular salsa and add 1/3 to 1/2 cup crushed pineapple.

Those of you who know me, know that I hardly ever make the recipe the way it is written, so here's how I made Pineapple Pork Chili!

I like onion and garlic, so I cooked some in a little bit of olive oil until the onions were clear and soft.
I did use ground pork.
I found a jar of pineapple salsa at Trader Joe's.
I didn't have red kidney beans so I used pinto beans and I didn't rinse and drain.
I didn't have tomato sauce so I used 1 16 ounce can of diced tomatoes and 1 can of tomato paste.
I used 1 tablespoon of New Mexico red chili powder.

It is yummy! 

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

I'm joining the lovely Judith for Mosaic Monday.


  1. I have got to find me a Trader Joe's! It looks yummy. I am so glad fall is favorite season.

  2. Yum that chili would be good on a cool rainy day like today!

  3. I like seeing that Grackle! Fall is my favorite time of the year!

  4. We get the grackles in spring for nesting season and they're such bad hogs at the feeders, I have to bring them in for a couple of weeks.
    Your pineapple pork chili sounds yummy, I've pinned it to try for a change from the traditional beef I make - and I love pineapple!

  5. Nice shots of the Grackle. And your mums and arrangement is pretty. The chili sounds delicious, thanks for sharing the recipe! Have a happy new week!

  6. I love Ravens, such great chaps. Your chili sounds really good!

  7. I am back to say thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday as earlier when I was drooling over your chili, it had not been up yet.

  8. What a yummy fall recipe that I cannot wait to try...

  9. Great mosaics. That Pineapple Pork Chili sounds awesome. Will have to give that a try.

  10. Hi Snap
    He's such a beautiful bird - we don't have Grackle birds in New Zealand, just ordinary blackbirds.

    The pineapple chili looks very yummy!

  11. This a beautiful bird....I love blackbirds and crows,they are so intelligent. Your bean soup looks delicious - it's coming up to that time of year again when we crave hot,substantial dishes.

    Have a wonderful week!

  12. It's a handsome grackle. Now that it's fall it's time for chili. YUM!

  13. The grackle looks like he's showing off his most impressive tail. Protea are such striking flowers - how great that yours is going strong.
    This post is full of fall goodness - the chili sounds like a great variation.

  14. The recipe sounds wonderful either way and I am making it after my next shopping trip. .

    Your flowers look wonderful still . I have a trip to TJ's on my to-do list , now that we are back (in Oregon) from our Alaska summer . Flowers were already on my list; now I've added pineapple salsa.

  15. MMmmmmm I like the way you improvised your Chili. Sounds yummy. Nice blog. MB

  16. So happy to see all of your lovely fall colors! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a kind note. Enjoy your day!

  17. Do the grackles migrate through, they leave here usually end of August in big groups. Maybe they head down your way? Yummy chili. I need it today. 50 and chilly drizzle. xox

  18. Thanks for coming by my Blue Monday Cupcake post! I loved your sweet comment. I really enjoyed your post too it was Fabulous and perfect for the Fabulous Fall linky party! Come by and link up!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday

  19. What a very handsome bird that is! He gleams. I love your Autumn arrangement and that looks a delicious dish too! x

  20. the chili sounds yummy. Love your flower arrangement, and your visitor.

  21. We decided that summer was on its way when a "28" parrot came to our bird bath this morning.
    Lovely arrangements of flowers too - enough to make anyone smile.
    Have a lovely weekend and thank you for stopping by my blog this week

  22. Such lovely images reflecting the season. It is my favorite (but then I say this same thing about spring). That chili looks amazing. Interesting combination of ingredients, but well worth trying. Thanks.

  23. I made the chili recipe today -- we loved it. Leftovers tomorrow. (I followed your idea and added the onions an garlic and used tomatoes and paste cuz that's what I had too. All I had to buy on my weekly shopping trip was the pineapple salsa.

    Thank you for this! Yum.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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