Sunday, August 17, 2014

Japanese Garden

This was the first year that I made it in time to the Japanese Garden
to see the crepe myrtles in bloom.
In the past I've used the excuse that it is just too hot to go.
Armed with camera, cold water and a fan -- off I went.
I wasn't disappointed.

Japanese Garden

The crepes were mostly pale pink and white, but every now and then the dark red appeared.

Japanese Garden

The sound of running water is so soothing. 

Japanese Garden

It was a lovely, but hot, morning.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.

I'm joining the lovely Judith for Mosaic Monday.


  1. The gardens looks beautiful. I love the Crepe Myrtle..the colors are pretty. Great capture of the egret.. Lovely post, enjoy your new week!

  2. What a gorgeous garden ! Just an amazing place !
    Have a nice Sunday :)

  3. Beautiful photos. It's been hot here, too. The only time I venture out is when I absolutely have to and then I make sure I go early in the day. If I had a park like this near me I might get out even if it was hot.

  4. Gorgeous photos. Glad you made it. xox

  5. This is a garden I'd love to see in person, especially as I see crepe myrtles are gorgeous when in bloom. The top left photo is my favourite with the tranquil view and reflections in the water.
    Thanks for linking to MM Snap.

  6. The crepe myrtles are fantastic, Snap! Wish we could grow them in our climate! Have a great week! Beth

  7. Thanks for enduring the hot weather to share these beautiful photos with us. Hope you have a restful night and a good week ahead. Mildred

  8. Oh that was worth seeing! I guess it has turned warmer again your way.

  9. Japanese gardens are always so tranquil and beautiful, Snap. This looks like a beautiful one!

  10. Beautiful! My Crepe Myrtle along with my 21 year old Hydrangea, did not survive this past Winter...I need to purchase another Crepe Myrtle this Autumn~

  11. It sounds like the Japanese Garden worked its magic on you. There's one nearby, at Royal Roads, and I love to go there at any season. While it's gorgeous when the trees bloom, there's something very serene and elegant about it in winter when the 'bones' are showing, too.

  12. It may well have been hot, but your photos make it look very inviting.
    I had to look up crepe myrtles and found that they are related to the white myrtles that I have here in the UK.

  13. Snap what a peaceful, soulful spot...and your mosaics of this lovely garden are perfect.

  14. The Japanese garden has the feel of a sanctuary.
    There is a calmness about your photos Snap.
    I'm sure you felt re-energised after your visit.
    Beautiful crepe myrtles.

  15. That's a lovely, meditative place. Gosh that white bird is amazing. Is it a white egret? Would you believe this: there is a nesting pair of white egrets here in our village in Oxfordshire UK. I think they come all the way from Egypt or Africa, but each year ornithologists come to record them.

  16. Beautiful. Love the botanical gardens and crepe myrtles are one of my favs.

  17. Japanese Gardens are places of tranquility. Your photos show that beautifully. Glad you enjoyed your time there.

  18. Beautiful gardens - great place to walk. Crepe Myrtles are so pretty. They always start blooming as the Spring annuals start to fade, just in time for another burst of color.

  19. It looks so beautiful..and it must be a joy to be in a garden of tranquility!! Have a good day!

  20. Photos of Japanese gardens always have a feeling of tranquility about them.I'd enjoy seeing one in person!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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