Thursday, July 3, 2014

Dreaming of Fairies

It's hot and humid around here.
That means I go into hibernation!

-I did get out this week for a lecture at the MFAH on the Houghton House exhibit.
I'm not usually a decorative arts person, but the curator threw in so much history that she made it interesting to me.

-I've been able to keep up with the Index Card a Day Challenge and
will post this week's cards on Saturday.

-It is the little things that bring a smile to the face during hibernation!

A rose blooming in the garden.


I'm going to grab a glass of ice tea, a book, a cat (or three) and dream of fairies! 

Wishing YOU well and much joy.

Thank you to Kim.

Little by Little


  1. Such a great quote!! It turned hot and humid in Boston, too - not fun! Stay cool!

  2. Such a beautiful rose! It's hot and humid here too but, NO WERE as bad as it is in Texas. I hear that is just brutal! Stay cool and dry and enjoy your fairies!

  3. I finally purchased some index cards . . . now the next step. I hope to enter this idea into our local art council newsletter. Passed it on to my brother/art teacher too.
    Stay cool . . . happy 4th . . .

  4. Just what you need on a hot, humid day -- a big furry cat or three on your lap!

  5. Hot and humid here too. Been out for morning doggie walks but in the house catchong up on blog posts for,sure, some art today and some reading. xox

  6. Stay cool dry and relaxed, Snap!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. I hear you...we hibernate both in winter and the hot, humid days os summer. Enjoy your day. Sounds as if you have it all under control!

  8. What a great idea - I think I'll join you!

  9. Those are great things to grab on a hot summer's day. Love it!

  10. What an elegant photo of a gorgeous rose ~ Wow! ~ thanks, ^_^

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I still believe in fairy tales :)
    Have a happy and safe 4th Snap!

  12. I hope things cool down a bit for you. Although, your hibernation sounds rather nice!


  13. Sounds like a good plant to me! Pretty blooming rose. I think I have a similar bush in my garden that isn't as happy this year as other years.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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