Thursday, July 31, 2014


Sixty-one Index Cards are finished.
A little piece of arty goodness for 61 days.

Here are the last ICADs.

ICAD #57 for July 27, 2014: Fly
Watercolor, micron pen, brush marker.

ICAD # 58 for July 28, 2014: Carousel (prompt). 
Watercolor, micron pen, Sharpie metallic pens.
Rocking all the way to the sunset of ICAD!

ICAD # 59 for July 29, 2014: Tulip. 
Love the watercolors! 
Micron pen.

ICAD #60 for July 30, 2014: Stork. 
This is all from the bits and bobs box. 
I had planned on something else and started with torn paper scraps and a light wash of gesso. 
Then I took the b&b box out and everything changed. 
This is in honor of the newborn triplets (!!!girls!!!) in the neighborhood.

ICAD #61 for July 31, 2014: Simplify. 
This is not an original idea. 
I first saw it on a photograph and then when I was walking around Barnes and Noble yesterday I saw it again on a small book titled something like 365 ideas to simplify your life. I decided then that someone was trying to tell me something. 
Watercolor and micron pen. 
If you look carefully, above the first dotted "i" is a tiny heart. 
It's the way the watercolor ran. 
Not planned at all. 
My second clue that this was a good way to end the ICAD Challenge.

Sixty-one days of arty goodness on an index card.
My thanks to Tammy at Daisy Yellow.
She is the heart, soul and brains behind this challenge
I'm looking forward to 2015.

And, a big "I'll miss you" to all the great folks on the ICAD 2014 FB page.
What fun we had! Sharing ideas. Cheering each other on.

So, what will I do now?!!
I'm going to gently ease back into my usual blogging routine.
I have a crochet afghan to finish (leftover from Valentine's Day).
All the squares are made. I just need to put them together.
The afghan is first.
I have lots of photographs to edit and play with.
I'll not be bored! 

Until the next post:

May you be filled with loving-kindness.
May you be well.
May you be peaceful and at ease.
May you be happy.


  1. It was great meeting you and all of your beautiful cards..I love your message.Simplify..and it is so serene..great colors..Ill be seeing you around the web..Happy Creating..!Robin

  2. Congrats on accomplishing the challenge!

  3. BRAVO! You did great, what commitment, love the stork. Watercolour and micro interesting. I've not tried that yet. Enjoy your afghan.

  4. I've enjoyed seeing your creations - I don't know how you come up with the ideas!

  5. Well done . . . The ICAD inspired me but I didn't follow through . . . Maybe 2015 . . .
    I say BRAVO to you as well!

  6. Wow! So much creativity, Snap!
    I have to read back in your blog to see what this is all about. Lovely to see though!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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