Saturday, May 24, 2014

I Swooned!

I went to the Farmer's Market this morning.

I went with a list.
I had to buy black pepper chevre from Blue Heron and
I've been noticing that farmers in the area have been showing off the tomatoes in their gardens on FB. So I added tomatoes to the list.
I skipped the large farms that had tomatoes and went straight to the little farmers
and the heirlooms.


If I found tomatoes, then I wanted bread to go with them and the chevre.
A loaf of wild rice, onion and sage bread was definitely in order.

Farmer's Market

Then I decided I needed a treat.
The cinnamon roll will last me all week!

Farmer's Market

Farmer's Market Visit
I was still walking and looking and my sack of goodies was getting heavy when I saw them.
I think I swooned!


They smell so good.

I love this time of year!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!

Thank you to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday.


  1. Isn't this a wonderful time of year. Love the bounty and the bowls. One cinnamon bun will last you all week? I would give it 2 days here. ;-) Hugs, Deb

  2. Oh I think I gain a few pounds just reading this, our market is not open yet, I'm not sure I'd find anything grown locally just yet. Enjoy

  3. What a beautiful photo of your swoon-worthy peaches! Sounds like a lovely time at the Farmer's Market.

  4. Aren't the Fresh Air Farmer Markets delightful! You must live in the south or west . . . No peaches yet in Michigan! And yes . . . The fragrance is yummy . . .
    Our market celebrated its Grand Opening today . . . brand new it is . . . and did it ever perk me up!

  5. Sounds perfect. And everything looks so good. Those tomatoes are perfect. xox

  6. What a feast you had when you got home!

  7. There are tastes there that won't be available here for some time yet. I do envy you the tomatoes!

  8. What lovely finds! I love the taste of yellow tomatoes. We will have to wait a while for our tomatoes to come in. And you have peaches already? I'm envious. :-)

  9. It all looks so yummy. I love tomatoes. And the peaches look delicious, I do not think they are ready around here yet. The farmers markets are fun. Great finds.. Have a happy week!

  10. I bought some tree ripened peaches this week and they were delicious. I love fresh fruit and veggies and it's one thing we have in abundance here in Florida. Blueberries are in season right now! Enjoy your evening my friend! Hugs, Diane

  11. Oh I love the farmer's markets for fresh produce!
    All the food looks very yummie.
    I bought the heritage tomatoes here several times in early Autumn and they were so sweet and juicy.

  12. Happy Memorial Day Snap! I love to stroll the Farmers Market and I'm so looking forward to heirloom tomatoes here in about a month! I can practically smell those peaches :)

  13. The tomatoes and peaches look so good and beautiful too!

  14. Haha, I can never stick to a grocery list whenever I go to the Farmer's Market. How can you resist all those fabulous fruits, vegetables, baked goods, on ... and ... on ... and ... on (right?) :)

  15. I love the fruits of summer too! delicious and so much more interesting than just apples and pears.
    Have a great week and thank you for stopping by my blog today.

  16. You have made me hungry!!!!!! I hope the fresh tomatoes are good. We don't have any up here yet --nor any peaches (that I can find).... I cannot wait to get the fresh Summer Corn-on-the-cob at our Farmers Market. And we love the tiny little cucumbers... YUM....

    Enjoy your finds!!!

  17. Hi... Thank you so much for stopping over to Two Trails One Road. You made my day!
    I am wondering what you made with your peaches? and was that a cinnamon roll??
    Beautiful photos! ~Nancy

  18. Heirloom tomatoes always taste so good! I love the colors of the ones you bought, Snap.

  19. I know! I always go to get one thing or two to the open market here too...and end up with more tan I should and yes! Bread and a goodie...I'm fat from Reading your so familiar post, lol!

  20. Wow! It looks like late summer (for here)in your post. I'm a week or 2 late just planting tomatoes; they're going in the ground today. I could good for a fresh peach!



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