Monday, May 12, 2014

Art In The Park

Hermann Park is celebrating its centennial with Public Art.
I've already shared the twig maze.

Twig Maze

Today I'm sharing the Spider.


A giant arachnid descended on the Jones Reflection pool where it appears to float on the water's surface. It is part of Hermann Park Conservancy's year-long Art In The Park series celebrating the historic green space's centennial.


Spider was created by the late internationally acclaimed artist Louise Bourgeois.
The newest addition to Hermann Park comes from an anonymous private collector in Houston who offered the loan specifically for 
Art In The Park.


The Spider weighs about 2,000 pounds.
Measurements: About 11 feet tall and 21 feet wide.
Even at those dimensions, the Spider exhibits a strength in metal work yet with a spindly, even intricate, appearance.*

Wishing You well and much joy!

*information for this post from various media releases for Art In The Park


  1. Very awesome! Thank you for the outing!


  2. These are fabulous shots, and the spider is enormous!

  3. Good thing that they are displaying it in the water! I think children would love to play around it otherwise.

  4. Mr. Spider doesn't really do it for me, while it's amazing, he can stay where he is. xox

  5. OMG Snap, I knew who the artist was when you first posted the Twig Maze and this time I know the Spider's artist too! Louise Bourgeois has a very similar statue of a huge spider called "Maman" ("Mother") at the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa. There's a copy that we saw in Japan too when we were there. Small world!

  6. These are awesome indeed!! Thanks for sharing!! Love it!!

  7. Wow! These are some very interesting pieces of art.

  8. It's very . . . spidery! And huge. I like it, and I know my 5 year old grandsons would, too.

  9. That's one creepy looking spider, a great work of art though.

  10. Wow! What a place and great shots for OWT ~ love them all ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I must say super WOW tot he spider , and I love those twiggy huts.

  12. That spider is cool but creepy. I bet it's given some kids nightmares!

  13. Cool spider sculpture --it looks almost real!

  14. A 2,000 pound spider, my worst nightmare, but it is an awesome sculpture!

  15. Its design defies its weight.

  16. both maze and spider is great art. Thanks for sharing them. :)

  17. What amazing shots! What a grand place for a photo shoot, lucky lady!

  18. Interesting post!! Boom & Gary.

  19. Shades of Harry Potter! I'd hate to see THAT spider coming for me!

  20. How perfectly marvelous! I LOVED this post! ((hugs)) Have a great week, my Friend.

  21. The spider sculpture (I hope it is) is a GREAT work♡♡♡ We have many sculptures displayed in my city. Thank you very much for sharing beautiful art with us♪
    So sorry for my a bit late comment.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  22. Kinda scary for people suffering with arachnophobia. ;))

  23. I love your images of this spider, especially with the water... but I'm sorry, he is kinda scary!! :0 Very neat though, and that maze looks neat too.

  24. Lovely walk in the park and So interesting artwork... Thanks for sharing with us! Have a great week!


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