Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It Is Earth Day

Today is Earth Day.
To celebrate I'm sharing a few images from Musashi's Garden, the Japanese Garden and the Houston Zoo.


Japanese Garden

Japanese Garden

Chliean Flamingo

Don't you think every day should be Earth Day?

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. What lovely images, Snap! Yes, I agree, every day should be Earth Day, and I hope you have a happy one!

  2. Love the sakura in the Japanese garden! Happy Earth Day, Snap.

  3. fabulous, dazzling photos and yes I think every day should be Earth Day...

  4. A feast for the eyes, and no mistake...

  5. Yes, everyday should be earthday.

  6. Very pretty images. We are all surrounded by natures beauty. We just have to slow down and take notice.

    Have a great week,


  7. I like the collage effect of the second photo. I treat every day as Earth Day and been known to hug a tree or two.

  8. gorgeous!! i totally agree. every day! ( :

  9. Snap: Love all the beautiful pictures today. You are right, every day should be Earth Day! Sending hugs your way. Martha

  10. Lovely images! And yes, every day should be a day that we remember Earth and our imprints on her.

  11. Lovely photos Snap. For Earth Day at work they gave us plastic water bottles in plastic bags ... LOL! A nice gesture, but not earth friendly.

  12. Lovely images, Snap. Earth Day here was beautiful, as it should have been.

  13. Let's have in every day the Earth Day! Beautiful pics.. and those violet blooms in the tree... what wonder! beautiful! All the best!

  14. Wow, what photos. Love the flamingos and that purple flowering tree! Whatever is it? xox


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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