Monday, April 14, 2014

Hoppy Spring!

It's time for some tea and for Vee's Note Card Party.
I'm going to take a trip back in time and share some of my posts
celebrating Spring and Easter. 

Easter Tea

Rules of Chocolate Easter Eggs:
1. If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating too slowly.

Easter Bunny

2. Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices, and strawberries all count as fruit,
so eat as many as you want.

Easter Bunny

3. Diet tip: Eat an Easter Egg before each meal.
It'll take the edge off your appetite, and that way you'll eat less.

Easter Tea

4. If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer.
But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what is wrong with you? 

Wishing YOU well, much joy, a wonderful cup of tea, and a Happy Easter!

Vee, thank you for hosting the Note Card Party each month.

A big thank you to our tea party hosts:


  1. I love all the bunnies, Snap. Enjoy your tea and chocolate. Hugs, Deb

  2. This had me smiling .
    Great note card photos , love the little bunnies.

  3. Always so cute to visit you - love your sentiment about eating chocolate.

    I have been on a zero sugar 100 grams of carbs or less diet for 3 weeks now and it is killing me to see the Easter candy out there.

    I keep focusing on the end result and stay positive but I want ice cream, buttered bread, pasta and CANDY dang it hahaha. I would always be able to eat it, Snap! LOL!

    Have a blessed and special week.


  4. Oh, your bunnies are so cute, Snap! I especially like the first one. Such a pretty teacup too. Enjoy all your bunnies and your chocolate this week and Happy Easter!


  5. Well, I agree with every one of your rules! I've always believed that about chocolate covered raisins. :-) Love your bunnies and tea cup!

  6. I enjoyed seeing all of your bunnies. And I heartily agree about chocolate. The sign over my desk reads.... "9 out of 10 people like chocolate and the 10th person lies!"

  7. Your posts of the darling bunnies is so sweet. The bunny teapot is so beautiful. I hope you will have a wonderful Easter week. Enjoy your chocolates!


  8. Hi Snap,
    I enjoyed seeing all your pretty note cards and reading your rules for eating chocolate. They make perfect sense to me!!

  9. I like your 'rules'! And the tea cup.

  10. I loved your bunnies and your Easter Tea

  11. Oh, such chuckling here! Very sweet and funny.

  12. Thank you for all these tips! I won't forget. Hope spring is being kind to you in Houston. (Bob rode the lift with a guy visiting from Houston today.)

  13. Oops, almost forgot about my note cards for this month, thanks for the reminder Snap.
    Love your bunnies and call me crazy but I like to eat popcorn and chocolate together! Or just chocolate. -:)

  14. Wonderful trip back in time, your bunnies are tres adorable. Wishing you a wonderful Easter..hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  15. Loving all the bunnies. Have a blessed Easter. Hugs, Martha

  16. Adorable! I share your sentiments about chocolate, your post really made me smile. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Marvelous collections of Buns. So cute. xox

  18. Oh, just adorable with your bunny collection! I am loving that pair of dancning bunnies on your teapot. I eat my chocolate, and when I get sollid bunnies (I melt them) and turn them into choc covered strawberrie. I tell myself they are fruit. Thanks for the visit this morning. Have a Blessed Easter.

  19. Love your rules....makes perfect sense to me! Such a pretty spring teacup and the bunnies are wonderful! Thanks so much for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  20. Adorable and funny post! lol!
    Thank you for all your hints. One that I learned that is close to yours is to always start with eggs for the protein. That way, maybe the blood sugar levels will not be so high!

  21. A wonderful set of Easter and Spring cards Snap!
    Wishing you a very Happy Easter.
    Shane x

  22. You have a wonderful collection of sweet bunny rabbits.. Each one is so special my itself, but my you have a great "litter" HaHa.

    Thanks for the tips on eating chocolate....You are funny and clever.

  23. You have some fun information here with these darling bunnies! So glad you linked to Friends Sharing Tea!

  24. Oh my! I think each card should have your rules inside! What fun! Have a fabulous week my friend! Hugs!

  25. Great photos for note cards and I love the rules for eating chocolate. Fun post, Snap!

  26. The sweetest note cards, ever !!

  27. Wonderful note cards and I love your tips and rules!! Happy Easter!

  28. Those cards are adorable and the diet tips are terrific. My favorite is the first...if the chocolate is melting, eat faster. Too funny!

  29. Love all the bunnies! Have a wonderful Easter dear lady. Blessings, Martha

  30. Adorable bunnies, enjoyed your thoughts on chocolate. I agree!
    Thanks for sharing.

  31. The 3rd hint has to be my favorite! But they are all good!

  32. Great photos and I love all your "chocolate rules". That teacup in the first photo is so beautiful!

  33. Beautiful mug with the bunny on it! Have a wonderful Easter.

  34. These are such lovely Easter c ards Snap.
    The 3rd one is my favorite - very sweet!
    Happy Easter

  35. I loved all the images you chose for your note cards. The sweet bunnies make me smile...and I especially love the bunny mug! But your "Chocolate Easter Egg Rules" are them! :D

  36. You just gave me the biggest smile! I love your photos, but your Easter rules are my favorite part of all. So fun and so creative!

  37. Your bunny photos are charming picks for note cards, and your Easter Egg rules make me smile.

  38. Hi Snap,
    I love your Hoppy Spring today! Such adorable faces on those bunnies. Thank you for visiting me! Hope you have a very Happy Easter! Karen

  39. These are just delightful and perfect for note cards. I love the bunny salt and pepper set.

  40. so very clever.... your bunnies are fabulous and your sentiments are so it all!

  41. I adore you cute rabbits & I enjoyed reading you fun tips about eating chocolate.


  42. Chocolate ya, ya, ya, except I can't have a lot due to DM. but I do find sugarless candy. These are beautiful. I would love any of of them. Happy Easter sista.

  43. Your tea cup is so spring and I just LOVE all the bunnies! I can't even choose a favorite. Thanks for sharing and Happy Easter!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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