Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sun Lit Sunday

This is the last Sun Lit Sunday for this year.
Thank you Karen for hosting.
I'm going to miss them.

Azaleas blooming at the Houston Zoo:


And at the Japanese Garden:

japanese garden
Last year I missed the azaleas blooming in Hermann Park, the zoo and the garden.
Thanks to our cooler weather, the blooms were running a little late 
and I ran on time! 
What a treat!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Oh, those beautiful azaleas! They're hard to grow here because of all the clay in our soil but I do love them. These are absolutely lovely.

  2. Ahhhhhhh . . . Azaleas, so pretty . . .

  3. The Azaleas are gorgeous ~
    we just got our first crocuses blooming
    on the farm ~ we are running late in the
    Spring dept.

  4. Wow! Those azaleas are lovely. I'm glad you caught them.

  5. Ohhhhhhhhh so pretty and spring-like. Ours come later, can't wait.

  6. Oh those great Azalees and a nice reflection in the second picture.
    Have a great sunday

  7. The lilac pink azaleas are outstanding.
    I'm so pleased you managed to capture them this Spring!

  8. Beautiful! There's nothing blooming here yet, and I can't wait for everything to begin popping!

  9. I'm so glad you made it to see the azaleas this year - they're such a beautiful splash of color!

  10. Azaleas, just lovely. I hope to continue visiting and if I did it right will have you in my news blur reader, lol. It has been fun.

  11. The azaleas are beautifully vibrant in colour, Snap, and such a wonderful mass of them!

    I like the calm, serene Japanese garden as well and the interesting effect you used with the photograph. It's lovely.

    Again, thank you for participating in Sunlit Sunday this season. Cheers to spring!


  12. Oh my those azaleas are fabulous! I wish I cold zoom over on a jet and get to see them in person!

  13. How beautiful! Azaleas are so cheering and lovely. Makes me long for springtime to hit here!

  14. That would be such a lovely site to see.

  15. Beautiful! Love the bright cheery color.

  16. It looks beautiful and warm and sunny there. So nice to see. Thanks for visiting and have a great week.

  17. Lovely blooms, saw some clover today greening up, YAY, maybe there will be some Spring after all. xox

  18. Beautiful! Azaleas grow well in my yard as we have very acidic soil but they won't be blooming for a while yet.

  19. Beautiful. I'm even enjoying the azaleas in my yard this week. They really benefitted from the winter just past.

  20. I love Azalea's they are so pretty. A few have started blooming here now. Mine are slower though and won't bloom until mid-April. So glad you got to see them this year.

  21. Thanks for sharing the azaleas, the pinks are a pretty colour.

  22. Hello,Snap!
    How beautiful!The atmosphere in the park is just Japanese. Japanese people like azaleas very much. So traditional Japanese style houses that are surrounded with azaleas are seen here and there. It needs a lot of time and money to take care of azaleas hedge though!!

  23. Gorgeous flowers.

    I love the collage you created.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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