Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sun Lit Sunday

I walked into the Village yesterday.
Lovely sunny day and I took my little point and shoot thinking about Sun Lit Sunday.
Didn't find anything on my walk that grabbed my attention.

While waiting for the Seahawk game to start,
I looked into the kitchen and there it was -- the sun hitting the Christmas Cactus.

Christmas Cactus

My Christmas cactus was late blooming this year.
Better late than never.
I love the color.

Sunlit Sunday

Hope the sun is shining where you are today.
Won't you join us for Sun Lit Sunday?

Wishing you well and much joy.


  1. The Christmas cactus is beautiful, lovely images. Have a happy day!

  2. Wow!! A Christmas cactus in bloom!!! I remember how pleased Mom was one year when hers bloomed in June. Wishing you a wonderful day! Cathy

  3. Beautiful Christmas cactus in the sunlight. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!

  4. perfect inspiration...nothing prettier than a christmas cactus in bloom...xox

  5. Lovely to see some blooms on your Christmas cactus ... it seems they grow and bloom on their own calendar.

  6. Could you have a word with my Christmas cactus, please? It's large, but there's not a bloom in sight.

    Your plant is lovely, Snap. I'm glad you found such a beautiful patch of sunlight in your day to share at Sunlit Sunday.


  7. The sun on your cactus is pretty and I like the complementing pot it is in.
    Not a speck of sunshine for a couple of days now but at least we are having a milder spell.

  8. Lovely, sunny shot.
    We haven't seen the sun here for some time now - liquid sunshine only!

  9. I love those ever-reliable cacti for vivid blooms. Mine bloom whenever they feel like it - sometimes a couple times a year. I'm always surprised and glad to see them.

  10. Which proves we don't have to walk far, or go far, or look to far to find the sunshine in our day. Now there's no sun here today at all...but my sunshine will come when I skype with my son in about 30 minutes! xo

  11. A very cute Christmas cactus, and it shines brightly and boldly in its festive pot, radiating joy!

    Thanks for sharing and have a lovely week!


  12. That is a lovely shade of pink! I love the Christmas cactus. When my mother was still able to keep plants, she liked them.

  13. Oh your Christmas cactus shows the sharp, jagged edges on the leaves perfectly. My Easter cactus has smooth, rounded edges. Very pretty capture and isn't it true that so often the best photos are at home?!

  14. There's not much sun here today so I'm glad you shared a bit of yours. That Christmas cactus looks so vibrant.

  15. Ahh yours is blooming like mine is! Isn't it a nice treat! It's nice to have a pop of color at this time of year!

  16. This is the 2nd Christmas Cactus I've seen on Sunlit Sunday enjoying the sunshine streaming in on it. Very nice. We watched the Seahawk game yesterday, too.

  17. Very pretty! My Christmas Cactus has pink blooms that were almost through at Christmas. Last year I got a few Easter blooms out of it as well. Fingers crossed for this year!

  18. My mom has a great Christmas Cactus and I think I need one of my own. Yours is a beauty.

  19. The sunlight makes your cactus glow! Lovely!

  20. Thankk you for the sun lit cactus, mine didn't bloom. I got one bud off it and I happen to hit it by accident and knocked it off. Great choice, after a walk and not finding a thing to shoot.

  21. Love your cactus, Snap. It's really pretty. Glad you captured a little sunshine too. :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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