Friday, December 20, 2013


It is warming up around here -- high 70's.
I did learn something during our last cold snap:
When your car tells you it is cold (low outside temperature),
it really is cold.


Speaking of frosty air, here is
another reproduction vintage postcard.
The artist was Margaret Evans Price and it was published around 1922.

Christmas Postcard

"I part my casement curtains
And place my candle there
To flash a Christmas Message
Across the frosty air."

Thank you to the lovely Beth for hosting Postcard Friendship Friday.


I've been smiling all week.
How cool is that?!!!


On my last visit to the Farmer's Market I came home with
beets, turnips and strawberries.
I can't bring anything home without the kitties checking it out.

Farmers Market

In addition, I brought home this lovely bowl.
(No, Mina -- it isn't your new food bowl.)


I got an early Christmas present for myself and made a donation to a good cause.

The bowl was created by a local artist and donated to Empty Bowls Houston,
benefitting the Houston Food Bank. They raised $2,365 at the Farmer's Market.
 This will provide 7,095 meals to the hungry!


I've watched White Christmas three times so far.
Scrooge was on last night as was The Christmas Carol.
Looking for The Bishops Wife and then my holiday movie watching will be complete.


Last, but not least -- Random Five Friday is back!
Thank you, Nancy!

Wishing all of YOU well and much joy!


  1. I love these posts -- so newsy and fun. Giving from the heart when you gift yourself is a feeling like nothing else, isn't it? Even if Mina does think the bowl is for her! :) I'm glad you are enjoying the holiday filmfest...I've only seen White Christmas once and Christmas Vacation once...still haven't seen Miracle on 34th Street or any of my other favourites...can't even find them listed. Hopefully this week! xoxo

  2. those veggies look so good. i love postcards. i send lots of them often. super cute. i wonder where she found or bought it? ( :

  3. So glad Nancy and her meme are back! Great looking bowl!

  4. Snap,
    Your header is awesome!

    We are in the middle of another cold snap, -7 this morn. They say this one will not be as extreme as the last and we are thankful for that.

    Yeah for being featured on FOL. I enjoy checking in there.

    Enjoy your Winter Farmer's Market finds. How lucky are you?

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Sounds like you've been having a wonderful week!

  6. The Bishops Wife . . YES!!! THAT'S The one i want to see. Thanks.

    How I LOVE the idea of you buying a bowl - (a beautiful one, by the way) and Feeding the Hungry. Now, THAT is a great, good gift . . . well ,i think so, anyway.

    Thank you for sharing so MUCH beauty. Love & Love, -g- (meow)

  7. Lovely and sweet postcard from Christmas past. Love it!

  8. 70 degrees sounds like heaven to me. The cold is really getting to me this year and winter hasn't even really got going yet. I've watched Christmas movies every weekend but still waiting for White Christmas to air.

  9. Those strawberries look wonderful.

    Merry Christmas!

  10. My county in Virginia--Campbell County--had an Empty Bowls event, too. I took photos for the paper, then enjoyed a great bowl of soup. I bought a bowl, too, a lovely purple one. The money goes to a local food pantry. It's a wonderful program!

    Love how your kitties are investigating your finds. :-)

  11. I watched A Wonderful Life and cried at the end as usual. White Christmas will be for the next evening

    Love your kitty inspecting the veggies! :)

    Have a Merry Christmas...that postcard is so cute :)

  12. A really entertaining post. Thank you and happy PFF!

  13. You did well with buying the bowl to support the food bank. Many empty bellies will be thinking of you. God bless!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Beautiful card reproduction! And I love that cat bowl! Merry Christmas, Snap!

  15. Great post! I love your kitty, it's just making sure it's all safe for you!

  16. Oh I love your photos and that is a good cause I have a bowl here. Happy Holidays. B

  17. I just adore that postcard and lovely little poem. What a delightful post!

    I also thoroughly enjoyed the pictures of your kitties. My dear furry friend, Toez the Polydactyl Cat sniffs everything I bring home.

    The photo of of the cat and strawberries was just cute.

    Thank you for joining us for Postcard Friendship Friday. A Merry Christmas to you!

  18. PS I'm decorating for Christmas just now--and am going to put Scrooge on here in a minute. ((hugs)) Thank you for your friendship, sweet Friend.

  19. Oh I am not surprised that that photo was featured. It's a beauty! Tea cup, tea pot, and Christmas tree...can't beat it. The post card is so sweet.

  20. Love the antique Christmas card and your sweet bowl...xox

  21. I like your cat pictures.

    I have two cats. One of them has been sick and in the pet hospital all week.

  22. Such a sweet, old fashioned postcard.

  23. Awwwwww! I love your kitty : ).
    It is going to be 70 here in Pennsylvania on Sunday. I am SO excited.

  24. Sweet kitties. The first one looks like my daughters lovely Vera. Thanks for the visit!

  25. I enjoyed this Christmas post! I love the kitty checking out your produce. Mine do the same thing. Curious about anything new. I hope to see White Christmas this season. And Charlie Brown Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday!

  26. lovely card, I need to do that I love look.

  27. The vintage postcard is cute. As is the kitties checking out the fresh produce and new bowl.
    I once brought a couple of bags of groceries in and went back to the car for the rest. When I came in, the top of the artisan bread had been chewed off by my naughty dog. :-)
    Merry Christmas.

  28. I absolutely love old post cards and this one is so cute. Looks like the kitties are going to find out if you brought them back something besides veggies, lol. Wonderful idea buying the bowl

  29. I love your bowl! I think it is wonderful that some one does this.

  30. Sounds like a fun week, the veggies look wonderful. And I like your new bowl. It is mild and raining here today, which is Ok with me!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! I Wish you and yours all the best in 2014!

  31. What a lovely bowl for a good cause. I'm only dreaming of seventy degrees. We're only supposed to get to 4 degrees tomorrow.

  32. Lovely bowl. I have a thing for bowls. And our local empty bowls is always a wonderful event. Great post. FA LA LA and all that jazz! Aloha


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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