Friday, November 29, 2013


It's Friday and time for some this and that.

I was up early this morning and the washer, dryer and clothes folder (me) have been busy.
Yesterday I thought I'd get up early and hit Half-Price Books at 7am. That idea didn't last long. I decided it was too cold to walk and I wanted to walk up to my village. Although a chance at a $100 gift card in one of the bags they were giving away was very tempting.

Scarecrow by snap713

How was your day yesterday? Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? Cook a lot of food? 
The kitties and I shared a quiet day. We put up another Christmas tree. There are two downstairs (think too many Christmas ornaments????). They aren't decorated, but they are up. Mina and I shared some smoked turkey -- she begged so prettily (underfoot) all day -- the little imp. I had *stuffing* (yep, southern ya'll) for breakfast this morning. 


In and around Houston it's been freezing the past few mornings. The birds have been getting a little bit extra at the morning buffet. The squirrels have been getting in on the buffet action too.


Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. OOOH I love the new banner!!! xo

  2. Those birds (Cardinals?) are so pretty. Really wonderful photos. I must also say that I love the quote on your page by Anatole France. It is so true! x

  3. I'm glad you had a nice day. We are in a deep-freeze here and it's time for the woolies. Kane's walks are a little shorter the past few days.
    I love your new header, Snap. Just gorgeous.

  4. I also love the banner and those cardinals!

  5. I love the new header!

    Do you cats play with the ornaments on the trees? We're not sure how Chase Bird is going to do this year since it's the first Christmas he's had full run of the house. Always interesting to see how they'll react. :-)

  6. Love your new header. Yes, Thanksgiving was great around my home, with too much food. I always eat too much. Now I need to take a few pounds off before Christmas.

  7. Love your Christmas header -- especially the snoozing cat who looks just like Her Royal Highness!

  8. Stuffing sounds almost as good for breakfast as pumpkin pie! Now you have your work cut out for you with all those trees to decorate.

  9. Your new header is fabulous. And we can't resist our kitties when they beg either. So cute when they do it. :)

  10. Loving your new banner and those cardinals too! Your header is amazing, simply gorgeous, like the cover of a lovely book! Hope you had a great Tksgiving Day with all that yummy food!

  11. Gorgeous pictures! LOVE Half Price Books, haven't been there in a while but I'm sure I'll hit it up sometime in the next few weeks. Went to my mom's for Thanksgiving - we just had ham sandwiches & a few sides, & I made some pies. Nothing special, since it was only 5 people. Let the holiday madness begin ....

  12. I love your new banner!So festive!
    We had a nice quiet Thanksgiving here with us 4. We cooked, but only just enough for one day. Over ate anyways : )

  13. A breakfast of stuffing sounds perfect! I can't wait for the Christmas turkey and the leftovers that follow.
    Thank you for your note on my blog - it meant a lot to me.

  14. Mmmm. Stuffing! I'm glad you and the kitties enjoyed your Thanksgiving.

    I really like the beautiful shot of the cardinals. They add a beautiful bit of colour to this time of year.

  15. Love your banner- and even that little scoundrel is looking sweet. Great shots!

  16. Great banner, we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving (in Canada)I had a quiet day. You can never have too many trees.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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