Friday, October 11, 2013


It's Friday.
Time for some randomness with a little this and that.


What a beautiful week.
It started off with the first real cool front of the season.
Off I went to the Japanese Garden.
The azaleas are a bit confused -- they were blooming!



Then it was off to the zoo where they are busy decorating for Zoo Boo
and for Holiday Lights.

Carving a Dead Tree

What do you do with a dead tree?
You carve it with a small chain saw into chimps climbing on a tree!
Located just in front of the entrance to the chimp habitat.


I have one more Christmas tree to crochet and my Christmas hot pads are all finished.
I started sending off the Halloween hot pads to their new homes.
I have yarn left over from the afghans I made several years ago.
I had to try out the Bavarian crochet pattern -- also called Catherine's Wheel. 
It took some frogging before I was comfortable with the pattern.

Bavarian Crochet

It reminds me a little of the cathedral window quilting pattern.


I have a list of books to look for when I make my run to Barnes and Noble today.
Top of the list -- the new Bill Bryson -- One Summer in American: 1927.


The cool front didn't last very long.
The heat and humidity are back.
Next cool front is due in late next week.
Another trip to the Japanese Garden and Zoo is planned.

Thanks, Nancy!


Wishing all of YOU well and much joy!


  1. Oh your photos are amazing and I love your Christmas hot pads I have just started knitting I would like to make something Christmasy :0 B

  2. crazy to see azaleas blooming right now! amazing how he can carve that with a chainsaw. there used to be a show about that, might still be on. i only saw a couple of them. love your hotpads!

  3. Oh Japanese Gardens, I'm wondering if you live in the DFW area? I live in the Galveston area and hurricane Ike took over half of the trees on the island, and they did just that with many of the trees. It's fun to see all the different carvings, pelicans, dolpins, dogs, angels....

    I only know a single crochet stitch, and that is with wire (I make them into necklaces), so wish I knew how to make something like that!

  4. i wonder the same thing about azaleas. not ours but other folks in our neighborhood. it is wild to see them blooming when you think that they should be realizing it is fall. but i guess for us the temps going back & forth. during the evening in the 50's & in the AM into afternoon it can & does reach 80's sometimes lately. so silly. i would be confused too, if i was a plant. ( :

  5. I am super impressed with your crocheting skills-I once watched a man with a chain saw scult a grizzly bear with its cub, magic and what an honourable way to pay tribute to trees! We recently walked through a Japanese garden in the middle of a Bamboo Park-JG's are exquisite sites.

  6. What they are doing with that dead tree at the zoo is charming!! Happy weekend my friend! xo

  7. I have always wanted to go to the zoo in the fall! Hmm. I feel inspired - maybe this weekend I will do it. :) Your azalea photo is beautiful!

  8. Neat pictures! We just had a cold front too.

  9. Awesome....that's neat to have the zoo decorated for the Halloween coming up. I bet it's really decked out up for the Christmas Season too, then, right?

    Now this crochet project?!!! I love to crochet and I would like to know where to find the pattern online? Is there somewhere I can get a copy?

    My son lives in Houston, just up the road a piece from us about 3 hours...isn't it one of the most beautiful cities? So pretty, and filled with luscious parks!! [your post below]

  10. I would love to make a trip to the Japaneses garden here in Portland, OR. I heard its beautiful. Your Crochet project looks so pretty. Hope you have a Happy week..


  11. Love Bill Bryson's books! I don't have his newest yet though! Thanks for the reminder. :)

    I hope another cool front arrives quickly. Love your Christmas tree!

  12. Love the hot pads!!
    Nice work!
    It has been wonderfully cool here ... I hope it stays.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. You are getting a jump on projects, which is very smart of you! I love carved trees...good use of a stump! Stay cool now...

  14. Halloween at the zoo is so much fun! They do it in Louisville as well.

  15. Cool, then hot. That seems to have been how the fall has started...can't quite make up its mind. Have a great weekend!

  16. Love the carving. It's cool here too.

  17. Not a big fan of monkeys, but I have to admire that artwork.

    Speaking of artwork, your hotpads are just so pretty and intricate.

  18. Your photo of the azalea is beautiful! I am always amazed at what those chain saw artists can do. Would love to visit the zoo all decked out for Halloween.
    Thank for dropping by today and your nice comments.

  19. Wow - that tree carving is amazing! Talent like that amazes me.

  20. Beautiful azaleas! It was in the 90s here last weekend, so I'm sure we had some confused blooms, too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  21. Oh a trip to a Japanese Garden sounds lovely. Yea I can understand about confused Azalea's as my bush is blooming now too. There goes the spring buds.

    Loved the carving from the zoo. I haven't been to a Zoo in years but they are so much fun.

  22. Your header looks so cute. I especially like the kitty in the pumpkin drawing :)

    Pretty creative carver and with a chain saw! wow!

    Very pretty pattern for the hot pad. It looks complicated!

  23. Love the carving! You certainly have been busy with the pot holders.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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