Friday, October 4, 2013


It's Friday and that means this and that with a little randomness!


Our first real cool front of the season arrives this weekend.
I am more than ready, although, to be honest --
this summer hasn't been near as hot as some.
I just like cooler weather.
It makes for good walking and picture taking.
And, a trip to the zoo!


It's been a fun week.
I have several events to share.
The kids who lived across the street were in town for a wedding.
We had brunch at Union Kitchen.
What fun we had catching up.
The time flew and soon we were hugging our goodbyes.
Until the next time.


The Women's Athletic Advisory Board held a fund raiser
for women's athletics at Rice.
Teams competed at trivia -- a pretty good mix of Rice trivia and regular.
Answers had to be written in a blue book (of course) ... remember those?!!!
And sections were divided into History 101,
English 202 -- you get the idea.
Money was raised.
The food and drink were good.
Lots of laughs.
Looking forward to next year already!

Trivia Night


I'm getting a hair cut today.
Two weeks late (I cancelled because of my cold) and I'm looking pretty shaggy.


I'm taking an online class with Juliette Crane -- Serendipity.
The class is a year long and started mid-September.
Here's one of my little girls.

Sea Sprite

She's a sea sprite.
She keeps her hair short so that she doesn't get tangled up in sea weed when
she plays with her friends, the sea horses and fish, or is out looking for treasure
(she really likes gold).
She is an sprite, so she is an imp, but she does have her serious side.
She listens carefully to the universe with her heart. 

It is a fun class.
I love painting with my fingers. 

Thank you, Nancy!

Wishing YOU well and much joy!
Have a great weekend.


  1. Your Serendipity class sounds like so much fun. Your sprite is sweet.

  2. Finger painting -- love it!

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend. xo

  3. Love the painting!!! [I too am retired, loving life. And dabble in art -pencil sketching is what I do mostly...there is a drop down menu on my sidebar to some of my work I shared]

    I'm new to Random 5 this week, and thought I'd try and get the gist of it all by paying you a visit!! Happy weekend.

  4. Oh this Serendipity class sounds wonderful and she is truly adorable. B

  5. I really enjoy cooler weather too. I am really ready for it.

    TGIF to you.


  6. I love the sea sprite! Enjoy your class, it sounds great!

  7. Love your work, Autumn is my favourite time of the year...

  8. That class sounds wonderful! I hope you enjoy every minute of it. Your sea sprite is so sweet!

    The trivia game sounds fun. I love things like that. Blue books? Oh, yes, I remember those. :-)

    Enjoy the cooler weather--I think it's supposed to be cooler here, too, and I am looking forward to it.

  9. I always look forward to your random Friday posts...a little bit like having tea and catching up! xo

  10. Painting with fingers is always thinking of you shaggy! xox

  11. I like your random 5, and your beautiful painting! The story of your sea sprite is a fascinating one, love it!

  12. Lovely, little, sensible sprite! :) Well, here in the Pacific Northwest, you can keep your, I wish the temperature would climb above 10 degrees again. Not ready for the cold at all. But next weekend I'm off to San Francisco for a mini break. I've been checking and reassuring myself of nice, warm weather there. So far so good! Have a lovely weekend Snap, so nice to pop by and check in with you to see what's been happening.

  13. Oh your little sea sprite is darling!

  14. Sounds like you had a busy week! Thanks for visiting me! Have a great weekend!!!

  15. The cooler weather is nice, this week the sun is actually out instead of rain so it's enjoyable to be outside.
    The Quiz event sounds like fun. I like Trivia. By the way what is that dogs name?
    I am still in need of a haircut. Waiting though till my new glasses arrive so I can see what I look like with them on before deciding on a hair style/cut.

  16. Listening carefully to the universe is our job!...LOVE it!...:)JP

  17. enjoy your hair cute. i love the sprite ... to cute when you use it in a sentence. ( :

    have a lovely weekend.

  18. I love your sea sprite!!! I am glad you are feeling better. Have fun with your hair cut!

  19. Many of us do not have talent enough to finger paint - you certainly have that talent. Love your little sea sprite.

  20. I love the sprite! Very creative!

  21. I just love your painting. It sounds like a fun class!

  22. Yay for cooler weather. Not sure what that means in Houston, but perhaps in the 70s? Lower? I know that you will enjoy it.

    You are so creative. Your little sprite is cute as a button. Is you hair as short as hers now?

    What fun to get together with old/young friends! It must have been special for them to touch base with you again.

  23. Always good to re connect with friends. Like your painting and I too am looking forward to cooler weather, which is decidedly not here today!

  24. Sweetest little sea sprite ever! Sounds like a great painting class.

    Nice to read about your week and the fun happenings :)

  25. Your painting is so fun and made me smile... A sprite gotta love it. I too am a cooler weather gal. Feel better my friend.. Hugs and blessings, C. (HHL)

  26. There was a time when I would not imagine a life without hot sunny days of summer, but the older I get the more appealing a year round 70 degree climate would suit me just fine.

    Your art is too sweet.

  27. Your sea sprite is charming! I love the pleasing, rich colors. Wonderful work -- bravo!

  28. I so love autumn...I always want it to last a long time. I hate the worst of the hot. humid summer days, and hate the bitter cold of winter. Autumn seems to be just right.

  29. Love your sprite. What a fun thing to do, painting with your fingers! I'd love it, too, but think I'd make too big of a mess.

  30. Oh, I love your little sea sprite - what an adorable,personality she has!

  31. I`ll look forward to more of your art work as the year continues!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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