Saturday, October 26, 2013

Camera Critters: Babies!

I've been visiting the Houston Zoo while the weather is cooperating --
not too hot or too cool.

My first stop is always the Chilean Flamingo habitat to see the flamingo chicks.

Chilean Flamingo

"When I grow up, I want to look just like you!"

Chilean Flamingo

"Hey, look at me! I can stand on one leg, too. Yoga, flamingo style."

Chilean Flamingo Chicks

"Come on in. The water is fine."

It is so exciting to see the flamingo chicks.
You can read more about the flamingo habitat and the changes that were made here.

Camera Critters

A big thank you to Misty for hosting Camera Critters each week.

Wishing all of YOU well and much joy.


  1. They really are kinda cute aren't they? I love their coloring.

  2. Beautiful birds! Love the colors and great shots for CC ~ thanks, carol, xx

  3. The ltitle ones have a way to go yet, coth colour and size. But looks like they are getting the hang of the one leg trick already.

  4. They really are quite lovely, wish I could stand on one leg.

  5. Oh my goodness, I don't think I've ever SEEN a flamingo baby. Not sure WHY this surprises me...I mean I should assume those flamingos I see at the zoo don't arrive full grown, right? haha. They are too cute!

  6. Cute little downy chicks.

  7. These little guys/gals are so sweet fully of that fuzzy whiteness....what a hoot. xox

  8. These birds, adults and the little ones, look quite gangly with their long coloured-knee legs!

  9. Oh that little guy on one cute! I don't know why flamingoes take such a bad rap...they are quite stunning!

  10. That little chick is just adorable! Such fun and great shots.

  11. They are such beautiful creatures! I would stop in to see them too. I hope your weather holds out so you can go a few more times : )

  12. I love flamingos!
    So wonderful to see some little balls of feathers. So cute!

  13. wunderschön eingefangen..

    die Eltern und Kinder..

    LG zum Sonntag vom katerchen

  14. I've never seen a flamingo chick, so this is treat for me. So sweet! And how quickly she wants to follow after mama. :-)

  15. Beautiful birds...those babies are just too adorable! xo

  16. They are so adorable!

  17. These are just wonderful shots, and the baby is so cute!

  18. SO cute! I don't think I've ever seen a photo of a flamingo chick before! Love the 'look at me' shot :)


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