Friday, August 16, 2013


It's Friday.
Time to look back on the week
and join Nancy for Random Five Friday.

I love mini-carnations.
They are cheap.
They are pretty.
They last a long time.
And, they smell good.

I really like Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream.
Yum Yum Yum!!!

Favorite Things


I love books.
I love to read.
This novel has been in my TBR stack for years.
I have no idea why I kept putting it off.
Now that I've started it, I can't wait to sit down and read.
At the same time, I don't want it to end.
I've quite enjoyed my trip across country with Otto Ringling and Rinpoche
having good American fun!

Otto is tricked into taking his sister's guru on a trip to their childhood home.
Six days on the road with a holy man and a skeptic was definitely not in the plan.
Otto gets to see his world  through someone else's eyes --  Hersey Chocolate,
miniature golf, to a bowling alley, to a yoga lesson and more.

A real delight.
A keeper!


I've been crocheting for Halloween.
Pictures next week!


It's hot.
 We have had some rain this week although we are more than 10 inches below our normal.
Every little bit helps.
We will get a short break from the heat with morning lows in the lower 70s as a very
unusual cold front stalls and brings some north wind to the area.


  1. I've certainly had more than my share of Cherry Garcia. It's #1 here in this house.

  2. i love Ben & Jerry's ice cream. they come up with the greatest names.

    have you ever been to the factory in Vermont? a must take tour for sure.

    the hubby & i loved it. it was fun to go to the "flavor graveyard" to see all the flavors that have gone on. several i wish they would have kept around so i would have tasted them 1st. ha. ha!! ( :

    enjoy your weekend.

  3. We had so much rain this summer... we are WAY over our annual rainfall. Wish we could have sent you some of ours!

  4. I like many of the things you like as well.

    This is a cute post.

    You should consider making this into a linky party - it would be well attended I should think.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I am going to look for a copy of that book. It seems like something I would like. My little step-son told me that Cherry Garcia was the most popular flavor that B % J ever made. Cookie dough came in 2nd.

  6. Lovely hobnail glass vase for your mini-carns!

  7. Carnations are kind of timeless. I think they are pretty and add beauty to an arrangement.

    I am over half through reading Gone With The Wind. So much drama.

    Have a great weekend and happy crocheting.

  8. That book sounds right up my alley! I am going to look for it.

  9. I enjoyed BWB and have recently read Buddha in the Attic by Julie Orsuka, not the same but a very good read as well. I shall have to look for mini B and J's in our region :-(

  10. Carnations are wonderful! Especially pink ones like you have here! :)

    I will surely look into this book! I'm always looking for new to me reads! Have an excellent weekend!

  11. I listened to that one on audio - really enjoyed it! The one thing that stuck with me was Rinpoche always asking "Why so angry?" Why indeed - I think we're just angry and don't even realize it. Have a nice weekend!

  12. Enjoyed reading your random 5--have a great weekend!

  13. I'm with you on the Cherry Garcia--yum!

    Sounds like a fantastic book. Will have to add to my HUGE TBR list.

    We've had so much rain this summer. I wish I could send you some of ours.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Great random 5. I am sure your crochet projects will be wonderful....I know you will share. xox

  15. I sure wish I could share some of the rain we've been getting all summer. And, guess what... it's supposed to rain again tonight.

  16. I checked our rain gauge and it said 4 1/2 inches. In 3 days. Is that possible in August?

    Thanks for joining in this week!

  17. Ben and Jerry's?? I can dream. Pretty flowers!

  18. Hmmm ... that ice cream does sound yummy. I may check out that book, too. Thanks for the suggestions!

  19. Your photo is so appealing -- flowers, books, and ice cream. Favorite things! And the colors all work. Thanks for the book recommendations. I have a tall TBR pile, too. I would feel lost without it.

  20. Fantastic post, and I like many of the things you like too :-)

  21. Ben and Jerrys :S'mores is my favorite. Ha ..just putting it on the grocery list now due to your post! :)

  22. Pink carnations and Cherry Garcia ... these are good things. Looking forward to seeing your Halloween crochet project. I checked out the book link and I am going to have to find a copy of this book. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  23. Yum! Cherry Garcia ice cream! You got my attention right away.

    What could be better than a big bowl of ice cream and a good book to read!

    Sorry I've been so absent recently.

  24. I enjoyed reading your post. I just love it when I find a good book.. Its been awhile for me. Love your pretty mini carnations..



'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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