Friday, June 14, 2013

This and That

It's Friday.
Time for a look back at the week with a few
Random Things.

Thanks, Nancy!


Let's get this over quickly.
It's HOT and HUMID and I don't want to talk about the electric bill.


Last year I was so excited about the butterflies that were visiting Musashi's Garden.
I haven't seen many this year.
Perhaps it was the change in weather -- first cool and then HOT??
This is the only shot I've been able to get of a butterfly stopping by to visit.

This swallowtail was in the midst of fluttering wings as he took a quick taste of the duranta.



I'm using Bloglovin now to read all of your blogs.
So far so good, but it sure seems easy to get behind.
I promise I'll catch up! 


Last Saturday I made it to the Urban Harvest Farmer's Market.
What fun!
You can have breakfast there -- lots of good food available -- drinks.
I wanted fresh, home grown tomatoes.
There is just nothing like the taste of a home grown tomato.
Yum Yum Yum
Got my tomatoes and stopped by the Blue Heron Farm booth
and picked up their special of the day:
Garlic-Peppercorn Chevre.
Oh, my - Sinfully delicious!
Can't wait to hear what the special will be for tomorrow.

Splurged on an orchid.


Last, a bar of luxury shea butter soap from The Herbal Goat --
HOT FLASH (!!!) Lavender and Peppermint.
Boy, do I smell good!
On my list for this Saturday: peaches and blueberries. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. The butterfly shot is beautiful. I love to visit the local farmers markets, always something good there. Your orchid is beautiful. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. I hope you score big at the farmers market tomorrow!

  3. I love the butterfly picture! The rain started to fall right before my tomato plant blossomed... no homegrown tomatoes for me. :(

  4. Beautiful shot of the butterfly. I was just looking up one of our local farmers markets considering if I want to take the drive or not...I think I just might now thanks

  5. I'd love a bit of your hot sticky weather... it's cool and rainy...and June is almost half over... Two more months of possible summer here... and I haven't seen much of it yet!

  6. really love the butterfly & the orchid. beautiful. ( :

  7. Good Afternoon Snap, Now this is a fabulous photograph of the Swallowtail Butterfly. You must have been very patient. I remember last year taking a photograph of a butterfly in my garden and I found myself running around the garden getting all hot and bothered as the beautiful butterfly just gracefully flew around the garden..... I managed to take a lovely photograph though.
    I love the colour of the orchid you bought... they are such lovely plants.
    Enjoy your peaches and blueberries tomorrow..... any chance of a splash of cream with them.
    Best Wishes

  8. Gorgeous orchid!

    Peppercorn and garlic chevre! Oh my oh my! Yummy! :)

  9. Lovely orchid.

    Hot and humid here too. I try not to smell anything other than clean in the summer. Anything else attracts more biting bugs and they already like me well enough.

  10. Sounds like you were a busy shopper, Snap! The lighting on the butterfly is perfect - I even saw a swallowtail at altitude this week. Too fluttery to photograph. Keep cool.

  11. The butterfly shot is pretty! The luxury soap sounds - well - luxurious. I'm pretty sure I'd love it. Your urban farmer's market sounds great! Enjoy!

  12. Peaches are my favorite. I can't wait until they come into season here!

  13. beautiful shot of the butterfly.

  14. Your butterfly photo is gorgeous! We love going to a local farmer's Market, nothing better than buying direct from those who produce or make the goodies.

  15. The butterfly looks like a fairy. We have drizzle today - not expected - but really, how often to the forecaster EVER get it right?

  16. When i was a kid - my dad used to go on & on about "Home Grown Tomatoes." he'd purchase tomatoes at the grocery store - then complain - Then, he'd start again about tomatoes of his youth . . we thought he was nuts . . UNTIL I moved to the Midwest - and stopped at roadside stands with tomatoes fresh from the vine . . . It's a good thing i don't have kids sitting around a city dinner table . . or I may rant, too . . what a blessing the 'real thing' is.

  17. That's one of the prettiest photos of a swallowtail I've ever seen. Just beautiful ... as are the orchids.

    Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

    Thanks for stopping by Plum Hollow!

  18. Loving that orchid! I've bought one like it this year and now I own seven. You know, last summer I put them all outside by May, totally ignored them until Sept and then brought them all basically the orchid owner from hell...and you know what? They all bloomed last Feb! Big huge beautiful multi-stems of blooms! I think I'm on to something and so the orchids are outside fending for themselves again. :) Lovely visiting with you again Snap and have a fantastic weekend at the Farmer's Market. :)

  19. Wish I was going to the farmer's market with you!

  20. Your photos are fabulous ... as is your philosophy of life without growing up. I have been telling my kiddos for years that I fully intend to be the batty gray haired lady who says and does whatever is on her mind. Sometimes when I open my mouth, I watch them pause and look at me sideways to see what is coming now. I point out to them that those quirky senses of humor they all have had to come from somewhere. Fresh local grown garden tomatoes are one of the joys of summer ... as are butterflies. I am now following on Bloglovin' ... :) Pat

  21. I wish someone would explain bloglovin to me. I am so behind technology wise.

  22. I love that butterfly shot! I am so far behind on visiting blogs I'll never get caught up. That's one of the side effects of my kidding season.

    So blogger won't let me use my open ID, so I'm borrowing Millie's.

    Teresa @ Eden Hills

  23. I have tried the Bentley green teas and like them very much! Lovely teacup, and I love your photos. The orchids are gorgeous! I can't understand why the link isn't working for's about 50/50. Sigh...always something!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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