Friday, May 31, 2013

This and That

It's Friday!

Time to reflect on the week ... or not! 

Thank you Nancy for hosting.


Hard to believe that the merry month of May is at an end.
Tomorrow June starts and so does ICAD -- or Index Card a Day.

"Buy a pack of index cards.
Cheap ones.
Draw, doodle, write, collage, paint, haiku, stamp -- whatever.
One index card each day -- June and July.
61 days = 61 cards."

I played last year starting on June 1 and made it all the way through.
The year before I didn't start until July 1.
It is fun -- you can start at any time.
No pressure.
Fun Facebook and Flickr groups too.

You can find out all the details on Tammy's Daisy Yellow Blog.

Turtle Fun
ICAD from July 2011


My Rice University Owl baseball team won the Conference USA tournament
and the automatic bid to the NCAA baseball tournament.
They are off to Eugene Oregon to the regional playoffs.

They start play today.
Good luck!


This is birthday week.

Lovely lunches with family and friends.
Today a trip to the Natural History Museum to see the newly opened, remodeled, Egypt galleries.


You are going to get tired of me saying it is hot and humid, but it is!
I try to get my outside garden work done early and my away from home errands done by 10 am
spending the rest of the day with the kitties, books, crafty stuff and lots of iced tea.


This little guy came by this morning to try out the buffet.
When we lived on Galveston Island we saw the little Inca Dove almost every day.
In the big city, I don't see them often, but always smile when I do.
Such a cutie!

Inca Dove

Thanks for stopping in.

Don't forget my Blog-o-Birthday celebration!

Have a lovely weekend.

Wishing YOU well and much joy.


  1. My first year for ICAD.... I have the index cards sitting on my desk so I have absolutely no excuse.

    You have great fun celebrating! I'll be right behind you in just a couple of weeks. Humidity and all, it is a beautiful month to be born in, Happy Birthday!

  2. I love the roundup of news and bits & pieces...and I love you. Wishing you a joyful day as you celebrate "you" -- and we celebrate you too. Happy Birthday Snap! xoxox

  3. Wow!!! Thank you for the dove picture - It's beautiful -
    Hey! That index card thing sounds like fun!

    Happy 5 Day!

  4. My son loves all things "turtle". I like your index card drawing.

    It's Texas. It's hot and humid whenever it isn't frigid outside...that's why they make pools!

  5. That little dove has such nice colors to wear. I want a coat in those buff colors. Oops...shouldn't have mentioned such a garment in light of the heat and humidity there. Believe it or not, I think it's hot and humid here, too.

  6. The Index Card meme sounds like fun. I'll enjoy seeing your creations.

    Thanks so much for sharing your 5 facts this week. xo

  7. I'm trying to do my errands early too. The afternoon heat can be brutal in the south! Have a great weekend :)

  8. Sister and I were index card doodlers too! Good memories.


  9. your turtle is cute-that is too much of a challenge for me but love the idea. Your Inca Dove is quite different our Doves..our plummage isn't so marked, both are lovely birds.

  10. What a sweet, beautiful Inca Dove! I've never seen one before. :)

    Kitties, books, crafty stuff and iced tea! What a perfect afternoon!

  11. for the last two, three months i have been talking non-stop about how hot/humid it was! the rain starts to fall now, so no more hot/humid days, though it's going to be a wet, wet, season here now.

  12. It's a scorcher here today, Snap. The air is on in the house so I plan to spend more time in than out. Sounds like you have some fun plans ahead. Enjoy! Deb

  13. I love your turtle. That challenge sounds fun.

  14. ♫♪ Happy Happy Birthday♫♪ Birthdays SHOULD be celebrated for a week, yes?
    Living in Arizona, I join in with your whine of HOT HOT HOT! Love your turtle; he's quite happy! Wishing you a Happy Weekend.


  15. The ICAD sounds like fun, it will be fun to watch. The dove is so pretty - I don't think we see those around here. I've been enjoying your blog over the past couple weeks - count me as a new follower.

  16. Hmmmmm ICAD - maybe I'll give that a try - I certainly have enough index cards. Love your photo of the Inca Dove.

    We are hoping for temperatures warm enough to be able to sit in the deck by the end of the weekend.

  17. The index card a day sounds fun. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Pretty bird. :-)

  18. that dove is unique. so cool!! have a great weekend. ( :

  19. Cheers to another year older Snap. The recipe card meme sounds like fun.

  20. Great post, and love the photo of the bird! Good of you to reiterate that participants can join in with ICAD late if they have to... Can't wait!

  21. Love this post, what a neat idea for the index card meme.

  22. Your turtle doesn't seem to mind the heat! Enjoy your books and iced tea - still snow in my yard here in Breckenridge, so think of me when you garden.

  23. You have a nice five, Snap. I didn't count them but there might could have been seven.

    Your ICAD from July 2011 is the prettiest 'painted turtle' I have ever seen.

    My Aggie son has a Master of Business in Finance from Rice. He is using that as a 'number cruncher' position in a venture capital company.

    We play golf starting in the fairly cool, if 70's can be cool, and play until about 1:00. That helps us get acclimated. Houston is tough if one isn't ready for summer

  24. Wow, that dove is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I've never seen one like that.

    I like your turtle! The ICAD sounds fun. But I am so hopelessly not artistic.

    Happy Birthday, and may you enjoy many more! :-)

  25. Happy Birthday! Love your turtle! Also love all the teapot and teacup pictures on your blog! Makes me want to have a tea party!

  26. Happy Birthday!! And good luck on ICAD 2013...I'm sure you'll finish it and have lots of fun in the process.


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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