Friday, May 24, 2013

Splash Time!

I've spent a wee bit of time at the zoo lately -- especially with the Asian Elephants.

This is Mithai.
She celebrated her 44th birthday earlier in May.
She is the matriarch of the herd and spends a lot of time keeping the youngsters in line.

A little Spa time before dealing with the kids.

Spa Time

Mithai with Baylor.
He gets a little rambunctious and picks on little Tupelo.
Mithai decided Baylor should just stay in the pool!

Pool Time

Splash time!
Tess (Tupelo's Mom) and Shanti (Baylor's Mom) let Mithai discipline Baylor.
Looks like fun!

Elephant Splash

Baylor really does think he is the star of the show.
He is named after the Baylor College of Medicine.
BCM and the Houston Zoo have joined together to do research on the
Elephant Herpes Virus which is deadly to Asian Elephants in captivity and in the wild.
They've made progress -- especially in finding new treatments. 


Thank you to Mary for hosting Mosaic Monday
and to Misty for the wonderful Camera Critters.

Camera Critters

Thanks for visiting and don't forget to check out my

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. These are wonderful pictures. I never know whether to love seeing animals in the zoo or feel bad for them. I know life in the wilds isn't always rosy for them either. These certainly do look like they are enjoying themselves.

  2. Cute post, I love the elephants at the zoo. And Baylor is a cutie! Great photos and mosaic. Have a happy weekend!

  3. Great photos of wonderful beasts. They do seem to be enjoying themselves.

  4. Oh Snap thanks for sharing these precious creatures with us. I love them. Great photos.

  5. They must be so much fun to watch. Does Mithai have any children or is she just an overbearing auntie?

  6. They are such amazing creatures - Baylor is gorgeous!

  7. Bath time is always fun. Thanks for sharing these delightful images.

  8. Oh, how very very sweet!

  9. Oh WOW, did you get some great shots! I have an affinity for elephants. Looks like they had a great time, as well as you.

    LOVE the new look of your blog ♥

    **blows kisses**

  10. bless those beasts! glad they are well cared for!

  11. Some much love and attention is always obvious between elephants, love your shots! xox

  12. Elephants are such amazing animals -- I imagine this was a hoot to watch in person. :)

  13. Elephants are such majestic creatures. I love them, and your photos are great.

  14. Interesting post Snap, they are intelligent creatures that have emotions.
    (just signed up for Bloglovin and there you were- yay!)

  15. You got some fabulous action shots Snap! That Matriarch is BIG!

  16. eine wundervolle Bilderreihe..ich mag Elefanten

    LG vom katerchen

  17. Wonderful photos! They look like they really enjoy bathing a lot.

  18. Absolutely gorgeous, so Majestic and so cute also!
    Happy Sunday,

  19. Sweet!!!! What a great post of such a celebration...44 years. That's awesome. And Baylor, cute, cute, cute.


  20. This is a wonderful post! It is always nice to see when animals are well cared for. Love the elephants playing with youngsters!

  21. Elephants are such social creatures - fun to watch them interact. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.

  22. Such fun to swim and play all day. Delightful photos. Valerie

  23. Great shots. Lot of fun there.

  24. absolutely loved seeing that adorable creatures!

    i love elephants (so smart animals) and i also love your blog!

    have a great week ahead~

  25. Wonderful shots and mosaics Snap! I have a special place in my heart for elephants!


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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