Monday, May 13, 2013

Mail Call

It will come as no surprise that I LOVE Mail Call!

The lovely June at A Creative Dreamer suggested a postcard swap
to her followers and I threw my name in the hat.

Here are the lovely mixed-media cards that arrived in the post.

The first postcard came from June.
She sent a card to each of us.
In many ways the scan doesn't do this card justice.
The colors are so bright and wonderful.
I'm glad June loves poppies.


The second card came from Eileen - The Artful Crafter.

The Best is the Enemy of the Good.

Isn't this lovely?!
I loved the message Eileen had on the back:
"Striving for perfection sometimes prevents me from finishing things. Challenges and swaps help push past my inner critic."

And last - this is the card I sent to Barbara at Rocky Cross Studio.

Sip Sip Hurrah

You know how I love tea.
This little bird is trying to add the teabag string to her nest.
And, I liked the message (also from a teabag):
For All You Do and ALL you are

Wishing YOU well and much joy!


  1. Fabulous and what a happy mailbox! xox

  2. That is so clever! Love that last one, though both of the others are beautiful. I resemble the quote on the second one for sure.

  3. They are all lovely! Eileen's card and quotation reminds me of that little ditty they drilled into us in school a million years ago: "Good, better, best / Never let it rest / Until your good is better / And your better is best."

  4. Just lovely! I'm sure all that art brightened the day of all who saw it! Hugs! deb

  5. Wow, your scan of Eileen's card shows just how absolutely lovely it is. She does create much beauty in the world. I do love my poppies... so glad you enjoyed these too. And I agree, those colors are very difficult to photograph or scan, they are always just a smidge off.

    Yours turned out just gorgeous, love the bird and the teabag!

    Thanks so much for playing with the group, I'm so glad you did!

  6. Wow! You gave as good as you got with this swap. I love all the postcards, and the extra little tea bag string is perfect!

  7. I ADORE the bird and teabag/string card snap! The birds are busy nesting here, I'm always amazed at the bits and pieces I find in an abandoned nest :)


'And so I greet you, not as the world sends greetings, but with profound esteem and the desire that for you, now and forever, the day breaks and the shadows flee away.' - Fra Giovanni
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